It's vital that everyone who lives with you knows what to if there's a fire in your home.
Leicestershire Fire and Rescue Service advice is:
- if in doubt - get out, stay out and call 999
- make sure you have working smoke and/or heat detectors
- make an escape plan so that you and your family are fully prepared if there's a fire in your home
- tell everyone in your home what the escape plan is and practise it
- make sure exits from your home are kept clear
- if it's too dangerous to follow your escape route, ring 999 and stay inside the safest room. Keep the door closed and use towels or bedding at the bottom of the door to prevent smoke entering the room
- if you're trapped, go to a balcony/window to shout for help and wait for the fire and rescue service – do not attempt to jump
- when leaving a building that's on fire, use the stairs and not a lift
- if there’s a fire in a flat somewhere else in your building, you are normally safest in your own flat, UNLESS you are affected by heat or smoke in any way
- never assume that someone else has called the fire and rescue service. Make sure your neighbours know about the fire. Bang on their doors and once outside, call 999