Contact us

Find the best way to contact us for the service you need

We encourage you to use our online services to contact us, if you can.

Advantages of using our online services:

  • they're available to you outside of business hours
  • reduces demand on our telephones - freeing up lines for those who are unable to go online or have complex enquiries 
  • it helps us to save money
  • for some services, you can track the progress of your enquiry


Ways to contact us or find the service you need online:

  • Our website - you can navigate through the site menu options, use the search bar or use the A to Z guide to find the service you need
  • MyAccount - you can request services, report issues and view information (your bin collection day or your Councillor, for example) and track the progress of any queries you've made
  • FixMyStreet - report issues (potholes and street cleaning, for example)
  • Use the online contact form on this page


Service Email address
Benefits localtaxation@rutland.gov.uk
Blue Badges bluebadges@rutland.gov.uk
Children's social care duty desk childrensreferrals@rutland.gov.uk
Council Tax localtaxation@rutland.gov.uk
Customer services enquiries@rutland.gov.uk
Housing housingoptions@rutland.gov.uk
Parking parkingmanagement@rutland.gov.uk
Planning planning@rutland.gov.uk
Transport (including school transport) transport@rutland.gov.uk


You may not be able to talk directly to the expert who can deal with your enquiry when you call. If this is the case, we'll contact them on your behalf and arrange a call back or appointment for you.

We'll need an email address if you'd like us to send updates on the progress of your enquiry.

Call our customer services team: 01572 722 577.

Customer services opening hours:

  • Monday: 9am to 12.30pm and 2pm to 5pm
  • Tuesday: 9am to 12.30pm and 2pm to 5pm
  • Wednesday: 9am to 12.30pm and 2pm to 5pm
  • Thursday: 9am to 12.30pm and 2pm to 5pm
  • Friday: 9am to 12.30pm and 2pm to 4.30pm

Service numbers:

Customer self-service area

We have a reception area in our main offices where you can use a telephone to contact services or a computer to go on our website.

You can contact our customer services team and other Council services. You may not be able to see or speak to the expert who can deal with your enquiry, but you can arrange a call back or appointment.

We'll need an email address if you'd like us to send you updates about the progress of your enquiry.

Customer self-service opening times:

  • Monday: 9am to 4.45pm
  • Tuesday: 9am to 4.45pm
  • Wednesday: 9am to 4.45pm
  • Thursday: 9am to 4.45pm
  • Friday: 9am to 4.15pm

Our address

If you need to write to us or pay us a visit, our address is:

Rutland County Council, Catmose House, Catmos Street, Oakham, Rutland LE15 6HP

Find us on Google Maps

When writing to us, please include your email address somewhere in your letter if you'd like us to update you on the progress of your enquiry.

Out of hours emergencies

If you need to contact us outside of office hours because of an emergency, call the 24 hour Harborough Lifeline: 01858 464 499.

Children's social care: for emergencies outside our office hours, at weekends or bank holidays: 0116 305 0005. You can also find advice on the Leicestershire and Rutland Safeguarding Children Partnership website.

Adult social care - for emergencies outside our office hours, at weekends or bank holidays: 01572 758 341 or email emergency-team@leicester.gov.uk. You can also find advice on the Leicestershire and Rutland Safeguarding Adults Board website.

Media enquiries

If you work for a media organisation and would like to talk to us about any aspect of our work, contact our communications team - email communications@rutland.gov.uk or call 07973 855 469.

Online contact form

Contact us - Contact Form
This is a...
Your name:
Your address:
Have you contacted us about this before?
Would you like us to respond?

GDPR (data protection)

You can find our privacy notices and information on how we process any information you give us on our GDPR (data protection) page