Blue Badges

Apply for a Blue Badge

You can get a Blue Badge without further assessment if you're aged over two and either:

  • get the higher rate mobility component of Disability Living Allowance
  • receive eight points or more under the 'moving around' heading on the mobility component of Personal Independence Payment (PIP)
  • receive the mobility component of PIP and have 10 points specifically for descriptor E under 'planning and following journeys', on the grounds you're unable to undertake any journey as it would cause you overwhelming psychological distress
  • are registered blind
  • receive the War Pensions Mobility Supplement
  • have been both awarded a lump sum benefit at tariffs one to eight of the Armed Forces Compensation Scheme and certified as having a permanent and substantial disability that leaves you unable to walk or have considerable difficulty walking

You may be able to get a Blue Badge after further assessment if you're aged over two and either:

  • regularly drive a vehicle and have a severe disability in both arms that means you're unable to operate (or have considerable difficulty in operating) all or some types of parking meter
  • you have been certified by an expert assessor as having an enduring and substantial disability which causes you to be unable to walk (put one foot in front of the other), experience great difficulty walking (this may include psychological distress) or be at risk of serious risk of harm (or pose a risk of serious harm to others) when moving between your vehicle and your destination

A child aged under three may be able to get a Blue Badge if they have a condition that means they either:

  • must always be accompanied by bulky medical equipment that cannot be carried without great difficulty
  • must be kept near a motor vehicle so they can be given treatment in the vehicle if necessary, or to take them to a place they can get treatment

Hidden conditions and disabilities

You may be eligible for a Blue Badge if your condition means you struggle to get from your vehicle to the place you want to go. This may include people who:

  • are a significant risk to themselves, others or near vehicles in traffic or car parks
  • regularly lack awareness of the impact they could have on others
  • regularly have intense, overwhelming responses that cause a temporary loss of behaviour control
  • get anxious or fearful of public or open spaces

You will need to provide evidence to support your application - for example a diagnoses letter, medical reports, care plan, appointment letters or prescriptions.

How to apply

You can apply online through GOV,UK or download our application form

You will need to email your evidence, photo (if not already uploaded) and any supporting documents to: bluebadges@rutland.gov.uk or post to: Blue Badges, Rutland County Council, Catmose, Oakham, Rutland LE15 6HP.

We will assess your application and contact you to ask you pay the £10 application fee.

How to pay

You can:

  • pay online
  • pay over the phone - call our customer services team on 01572 722 577
  • pay by cheque - make your cheque payable to Rutland County Council. If you pay be cheque, it will take longer to receive your badge
Blue Badges - link doc - Blue Badge Application Form
Blue badges - link - Your responsibilities