You must submit an Additional Information (Form 1) with your planning application for all types of development specified in our Charging Schedule:
- residential development of one or more dwellings through new build or conversions even if less than 100 square metres
- the establishment of other residential floorspace such as extensions, and other ancillary buildings such as stores, garages if over 100 square metres (or less than 100 square metres if it contributes to the creation of new dwelling)
- convenience based supermarkets, superstores and retail warehouses
- storage and distribution relating to B8 uses - as set out in the Use Classes Order
The information you give on this form helps us work out if you need to pay CIL (and how much) or not.
If the proposed development is zero rated, does not fall within the use classes shown on our Charging Schedule, or is classed exempt as a minor development, you do not need to submit the Additional Information (Form 1).
If it's not clear from your planning application whether you could be liable to pay CIL, we can ask you to complete an Additional Information (Form 1).
Assumption of liability
If you know who will pay the CIL charge at this point, you also need to submit the Assumption of Liability (Form 2) - we strongly advise you to submit this with your planning application.
Claiming relief from CIL
If you think your development (or part of your development) is eligible for relief from CIL you'll need to submit the relevant exemption claim - again, we strongly advise you to submit this with your planning application. You must apply for relief prior to commencement of the development.
- Form 7: Self Build Exemption Claim - Part 1: for a self build exemption on a new home - you'll need to submit Form 7 Part 2 within six months of completing the home
- Form 7: Self Build Exemption Claim - Part 2: to submit within six months of completing the home
- Form 8: Residential Annex Exemption Claim: for a self build exemption on an annex
- Form 9: Residential Extension Exemption Claim: for a self build exemption on an extension
- Form 10: Charitable and/or Social Housing Relief Claim: for charitable or social housing relief
- Form 11: Exceptional Circumstances Relief Claim: refer to our Exceptional Circumstances Relief Policy before you complete this form
- Form 12: Further Charitable and/or Social Housing Relief Claim: where the original development's be altered in a way that changes the extent of any relief given before
- Form 13: Further Exemption Claim: for self build dwelling, annex or extension