Legal requirements
You must sign a legal statement at your local register office to say you intend to get married or form a civil partnership. This is known as ‘giving notice’.
You must give notice at least 29 days before your ceremony - for example, if you give notice on 1 May, the earliest date you can get married or form a civil partnership is 30 May.
You must hold your ceremony within 12 months of ‘giving notice’.
If no legal objections are received, your ceremony can take place 28 days after you've 'given notice'.
Request a 'notice' appointment
If you live in Rutland, use our online form to request an appointment. We aim to respond to your request within 48 hours Monday to Friday.
Alternatively, call us on 01572 758 370 or email:
If you or your partner is subject to immigration control, please contact us as soon as possible so we can explain the procedures.
If you're getting married in a Church of England you should contact the vicar, who will then call Banns.
Where will the appointment take place?
Your appointment will be at Rutland Register Office in Oakham.
Documents needed to 'give notice'
When giving notice you'll need proof of your:
- name
- age
- nationality
Passports are ideal - if you do not have a valid passport, we'll talk to you about other documents to bring, when you make your appointment.
You'll also need to provide proof of residency either your:
- UK photo driving licence (registered at current address)
- utility bill (dated within last 3 months)
- bank statement (dated within last 1 month)
- this year’s Council Tax bill
- current mortgage statement
- current residential tenancy agreement
If you've been married before you'll have to prove you're free to marry:
- if you're previous marriage ended by divorce - you'll need to show the decree absolute (showing the court’s original stamp)
- if you're a widow or widower - you'll need to show an original certified copy of your husband's or wife’s death certificate
If you've changed your name by Deed Poll, we'll need to see the document.
From 27 February 2023, the legal minimum age for marriage and civil partnership will be 18 years - you won't be able to give notice of marriage or civil partnership, marry or form a civil partnership if you're under 18 years of age, regardless of parental consent.
Cost of giving notice
For UK nationals, there is a statutory fee of £42 for Giving Notice.
For non-UK nationals the statutory Notice fee may be £57 each depending on your personal circumstances.