The Future Rutland Vision
Development of the Future Rutland Vision has been a carefully considered process, where adults, young people, businesses and visitors were encouraged to contribute their views and then review the findings at every stage.
The result is vision document which has been met with approval from Rutland residents and where every goal is directly aligned with the aspirations of local people:
- download the Future Rutland Shared Vision
- download the concluding Summary Report
- download the Future Rutland Shared Vision (large print)
The Future Rutland Conversation journey
The timeline explains each of the four stages that took place, and provides links to all the feedback, comments and reports generated by the Conversation on the journey to producing the Shared Vision for Rutland:
Stage 1 - April to June 2021
The Future Rutland Conversation begins. A total of 15 themed surveys are launched, covering subjects like transport, the environment. health and leisure. Future Rutland's main overarching survey asks people to share what they value most about life in the county now, and what they want from the future.
Links to download all the feedback, comments and reports that were generated in Stage 1 of the Future Rutland Conversation:
Your life in Rutland:
- Summary report - your life in Rutland
- Your life in Rutland - detailed responses (anon)
- Your life in Rutland - data summaries
- Feedback from ’Out of Hours’ group for young adults with disabilities or learning difficulties
- Future Rutland Conversation - Normanton Ward
- Future Rutland Conversation - North Luffenham Parish Council (NLPC) Response
- The “Rutland Conversation” Empingham Parish Council (EPC) Comments
- Demographics - your life in Rutland
Climate change and the environment:
- Summary report - climate change and the environment
- Detailed climate and environment responses - anon
- Data Summary - climate change and the environment
- Demographics - climate change and the environment
- Homes for people and wildlife - The Wildlife Trusts
Leisure and recreation:
- Summary report - leisure and recreation
- Detailed leisure and recreation responses - anon
- Data summary - leisure and recreation
- Demographics - leisure and recreation
Getting around:
- Summary report - getting around
- Detailed getting around responses
- Data summary - getting round
- Demographics - getting around
Learning, skills and employment:
- Summary report - learning, skills and employment
- Detailed Learning Skills and employment responses - anon
- Data summary - learning, skills and employment
- Demographics - learning, Skills and employment
Health and wellbeing:
- Summary report - health and wellbeing
- Detailed health and wellbeing survey responses - anon
- Data summary - health and wellbeing
- Demographics - health and wellbeing
- What matters to you - Healthwatch Rutland report July 21
Council services:
- Summary report - Council services
- Demographics - Council services
- Detailed report - Council services (anon)
- Data summary - Council services
- Summary report - visitors
- Detailed visitor responses - anon
- Data summary - visitors
- There is no demographic data available for visitors as people did not have to register to take part in the surveys
Children and young people:
- Summary report - children and young people
- Data summaries - children and young people (under 10s)
- Data summaries - children and young people (11-16)
- Data summaries - children and young people (over 16s)
- Detailed under 10s responses - anon
- Detailed 11-16 responses - anon
- Detailed 16+ responses - anon
- Summary report - business
- Detailed business owner responses - anon
- Data summary - business owners
- Demographics - business owners
If you need any document in a different format, please
Stage 2 - July 2021
All of the narrative reports summarising the comments, feedback and survey responses are published. People are asked to review these summary reports, provide further comment, and say whether they feel anything has been missed.
Links to download all the feedback, comments and reports that were generated in Stage 2 of the Future Rutland Conversation:
- Full report - your life in Rutland
- Full report - climate change and the environment
- Full report - leisure and recreation
- Full report - getting around
- Full report - learning, skills and employment
- Full report - health and wellbeing
- Full report - Council services
- Full report – visitors
- Full report - children and young people
- Full report – business
If you need any document in a different format, please
Stage 3 - November 2021
A Draft Future Rutland Vision is developed using all of the feedback gathered throughout Stages 1 and 2 of the Conversation. Adults, young people, businesses and visitor are asked to read the Draft Vision and share further feedback to help shape the final Vision.
Links to download all the feedback, comments and reports that were generated in Stage 3 of the Future Rutland Conversation:
- Draft Future Rutland Vision
- Draft Future Rutland Vision (large print)
- Narrative Summary Report
- Narrative Summary report (large print)
- Anonymised feedback (main survey)
- Anonymised feedback (children and young people)
- Greetham Parish Council response
- CPRE response
- Formal response - resident
If you need any document in a different format, please
Stage 4 - February 2022
Changes are made to the Draft Future Rutland Vision, based on comments and feedback gathered throughout Stage 3. A revised version of the Future Rutland Shared Vision is then published.