SEND Local Offer

Welcome to Rutland's Local Offer!

The Local Offer covers the provision and services that a family with a child with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) can expect to be available to them. The vision in Rutland is to support all children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities to lead healthy, independent, and safe lives.

RIS - SEND Local Offer - Landing Page Video

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RIS - SEND Local Offer - Landing Page Accordion

What is a special educational need?

You may have been told, or you may have concerns that your child has special educational needs (SEN) because they are finding it harder to learn than other children of the same age.

This may be a need related to:

  • communicating or mixing with others
  • mental health
  • thinking and understanding
  • sight or hearing
  • physical development
  • social or emotional development

Is a special educational need the same as a disability?

A disability is a physical or mental impairment that has a long term and substantial negative impact on daily life.

Not all children with special educational needs are considered to be disabled.

At the same time, a child or young person may be disabled but will only have special educational needs if the disability impacts on his or her learning.

Whether a child or young person has a disability or special educational needs or both there are laws and guidance to help make sure their needs are recognised and supported.

How do we get the help we need?

Staff at early years settings (pre-schools and nurseries), schools and colleges will work with you to talk about any concerns and identify needs so that your child receives the right teaching and support as quickly as possible.

You can also to talk to your GP or health visitor if you are worried that your child has special educational needs or a disability.

Get involved...

We'd really like to hear what you think about the site and your suggestions for improvements! 

Tell us what you think

We are continuously working with parent/carers and young people to improve the Local Offer. Recently we have worked with the Disabled Youth Forum to change the text on the Preparing for Adulthood section, as well as introduce some animated summaries. 

We regularly publish You said, we did summaries to show how parents, carers and young people are shaping services. 

Get listed on the Local Offer

If you have a service you would like to see listed on the Local Offer, please e-mail us at RIS@rutland.gov.uk.


The Local Offer and Code of Practice for SEND

The Code of Practice for SEND gives guidance on how the needs of children and young people with SEN or disability should be met.

Disclaimer - important information

The Local Offer is a free service provided by Rutland County Council.

Being listed in the Local Offer does not mean that we recommend or endorse of any of the services.

We cannot guarantee the accuracy of the information provided by external websites or services.

If you want to use a service, you are responsible for making your own checks about the suitability of that service.

Anyone working with children and young people has to have appropriate Disclosure Barring Service Check, safeguarding policies and insurance in place.  They should make these available to you on request.

Some service providers will be registered and inspected by external agencies such as Ofsted or the Care Quality Commission. 

If you have used a service listed and want to complain about the service you received, you need to raise your concerns with them directly.  Ask for a copy of their complaints policy.

If you would like to make a comment, question or complaint about a service you have received directly from the Council, please Let Us Know.