Local bus routes and timetables
See routes and timetables for local bus services in Rutland.
What does the service provide? What is an Admiral Nurse?
Admiral Nurses are specialist dementia nurses who give much-needed practical and emotional support to family carers, as well as the person with dementia. Admiral Nurses can support you and your family throughout your experience of dementia, tailoring the support to your individual needs and challenges. You will be given the knowledge you need to understand the condition and its effects, the skills and tools to improve communication, and provided with emotional and psychological support to help you carry on your caring role.
The service is available to people living in Rutland who have dementia, and their carers, family members and friends.
The service will:
How do I access the service?
You can self-refer to the service or you can be referred by your GP or other supporting agencies.
This page was last updated on: 01/03/2023