Local bus routes and timetables
See routes and timetables for local bus services in Rutland.
*Due to health and safety and the number of donations this store now receives, please book a time slot to bring your donations to this store by phoning 01572 755149. They are only accepting donations between 10am - 4pm (Monday to Saturday) and 11am – 3pm (Sunday). This is on a strict first come first-served basis. There is a limit of 5 x boxes/bags per customer brought into us in non-returnable containers. Thank you for all your understanding at this difficult time and for your continued support to the charity.*
Support this life saving service by donating your unwanted furniture, electrical items, books and bric-a-brac. Simply drop off a bag full of your much loved items at the donation station.
With plenty of parking and helpful volunteers it couldn't be easier!
This page was last updated on: 10/09/2024