Rutland Parent Carer Voice is a group of dedicated parents and carers of children aged from 0-25 with a disability or special educational need who live in Rutland. We bring together parent/carers from across Rutland to provide mutual support, exchange information, and influence policy and practice.
We work along side Rutland County Council, health professionals and education organisation to ensures that the services they plan and deliver meet the needs of our children in Rutland with special educational needs and disabilities.
Read the Memorandum of Understanding between Rutland Parent Carer Voicehttps://rutlandpcv.org.uk/ and Rutland County Council.
We aim to support the families within Rutland to the best of our ability, this includes hosting workshops linked to many different subjects.
If you would like to join our data base or know more about the work we do, please visit our website or look for Rutland Parent Carer Voice on Facebook. We also issue the RPCV Rutland carer passport.
Who to contact
Time / Date details
Local Offer
Rutland Parent Carer Voice brings together parents and carers of children and young people (0-25) with disabilities and/or special educational needs to support each other, exchange information and influence policy and practice.
This page was last updated on: 25/11/2024