Sunflowers, affectionately known as “Sunnies”, is a self-funding, weekly support group for parents and carers who have a child with additional needs. These needs are very varied, but all just as important to these families.
The group is primarily a chance for parents and carers to meet, make new friends, support each other and have the opportunity to ask for advice.
The families that attend have a child aged 0-5 who may have additional needs or is the sibling of an older child with additional needs, as we recognise that these parents/carers still need to access the support network.
The children come with their parents/carers to enjoy a varied session consisting of playtime,
singing, story and swimming with extra help available in a safe and understanding environment.
The group runs on a Monday morning 10.30am – 12.30pm – during school term time at Oakham C of E Primary School, Burley Road, Oakham LE15 6GY.
Sunflowers is run by volunteers and relies entirely on donations to provide activities on a weekly basis during term time, and also to provide trips, picnics and summer outings during school holidays and a Christmas party etc.
If anyone wants to know more about Sunflowers, whether it is because you want to attend yourself with your child, know someone who would benefit from coming, or would like to volunteer or help us with a donation, please get in touch with Jessica by email at
Where to go
View LE15 6GY on a map
There are parking spaces at the school.
Time / Date details
This page was last updated on: 13/09/2024