Information for carers in Rutland
If you are over 18 years old and provide unpaid support to an adult who could not manage on their own due to illness, disability or a mental health issue, you are a carer.
Why contact us?
For many, caring is a rewarding and positive experience, however for others, without the right help and support, caring can feel overwhelming. For some caring can trigger feelings of loneliness and frustration and many often find their physical and emotional health, work or finances affected.
We can help if you are aged 18+ and support a relative or friend with tasks such as:
- washing and dressing
- paying bills and managing correspondents
- mobilising
- transport and health appointments
- emotional support
- medication management
- domestic tasks
Remember, you don’t have to wait until you are struggling or there is a crisis to ask for support.
Carer's assessment
As a carer you have a right to a carer's assessment.
A carer's assessment is a conversation between yourself and a professional from the council. You will discuss the impact of your caring role on your own wellbeing and identify any support needs you have. We will then help you to identify the services and support options that are right for you and the person you care for.
You can request a carer's assessment from the carers team at the council. Contact the Duty Team:
Tel: 01572 758341
Email: carersteam@rutland.gov.uk
What support is available to carers?
Following a carers assessment we will look at what help we can give you, this can include:
- information, advice and guidance specific to you as a carer
- equipment and housing adaptations to support moving around the home, ensuring safety, getting out and about and completing day to day tasks
- technology to support safety, mobility and independence
- possible financial support with the allocation of a carers budget
- support accessing community activities and events, including spending time away from your caring responsibilities
- practical training to help you in your caring role
- psychological support
- regular contact with the Carers Team, by phone, email, newsletter and the council website
Where to go
Catmose Street
View LE15 6HP on a map
This page was last updated on: 20/11/2024