This is a fun group for young carers, siblings of children who have additional needs and birth children of foster carers. We play games, have outings, an opportunity to talk, make friends and lots of fun activities. Open to children aged 8-12 years.
Booking is essential if attending for the first time. Please contact the Aiming High Team to book a place for your child.
Where to go
Rutland Family Hub Children's Centre
Postal code
LE15 6RP
View LE15 6RP on a map
View LE15 6RP on a map
Time / Date details
Session infomation
We meet at Visions on the second Wednesday of the month, 5pm to 7pm
Other details
Age ranges
8-13 years
Referral notes
Booking is essential if attending for the first time. Please contact the Aiming High Team to book a place for your child.
This page was last updated on: 09/09/2024