Report a road safety or transport issue

How to report an issue with our transport services

Our Highway and Transport Working Group focus on highway and transport concerns.

The group includes representatives from:

  • the council
  • elected members
  • emergency services
Highway and transport concerns - accordion

Highway and Transport Working Group minutes

Group terms of reference


(m) = mandatory attendance or deputy required for meeting to proceed:

  • portfolio holder with responsibility for highways and transport (m)
  • portfolio holder with responsibility for road safety (m)
  • director, places (m)
  • senior highways manager (m)
  • senior transport manager(m)
  • police, fire and ambulance representatives


  • service managers, as required
  • business support team

Meeting and reporting

The group will meet as and when required to do so. Following each meeting, a summary or information report will be published, where approval for funding is required, or where proposals are considered significant enough to warrant a decision from Cabinet, an appropriate report will be submitted, along with detailed recommendations from the group.

Role of the working group

  • to review the initial assessment made by the Senior Highways Manager, agreeing to, a) refer back for further investigation, b) support initial assessment and recommend feasibility study or, c) close the request and provide the initiator a detailed explanation for the decision
  • to implement or oversee the follow through to action decisions that have been taken at a Council or Cabinet meeting
  • to make recommendations as to the work programme or priorities for issues relating to highways, traffic management, parking or road safety to Council or Cabinet
  • to support the senior highways manager in responding to, or providing justification for recommendations made by the group, this may include but not be limited to a meeting on site
  • to ensure recommendations are in line with the relevant legislation and are within the powers and duties of the Council
  • once a recommendation has been made, to consider and support efforts to secure funding to implement a proposed scheme


As a group, there is no delegated authority for making decisions, but it is recognised that this working group will form the recommendations that are brought to Council and Cabinet meetings, via an appropriate representative. In most decisions, it is anticipated recommendations will be taken forward on the recommendation of the group where delegated authority already rests with the Strategic Director for Places, in consultation with the Portfolio Holders.

Highway and transport concerns - text 2

How to raise a concern

You can report maintenance issues through FixMyStreet or MyAccount.

If you've been involved in a road traffic incident, or think you might have witnessed an offence on the roads, find out how to report it on the Leicestershire Police website.

To raise a concern about non-maintenance issues - for example speeding or a lack of pedestrian or cycle infrastructure, contact either:

Stakeholders will look at the issue and decide whether to raise it with us.

Stakeholders should send us a minuted resolution highlighting the issue as a matter or concern for their community as supporting evidence.

If you'd like to submit a concern, email tstrategy@rutland.gov.uk to find out how to do this.

How concerns are handled

You can find the full process under item 13 in Cabinet report 134/202.

Download the process flowchart

We have policies which help us us make decisions on highway and transport concerns.

Progress report on concerns

Our latest progress report has updates on the concerns we've received.

Download a list of all outstanding highways concerns

Integrated Transport Capital Programme

Programme of works for 2023/24:

Reference Concern Location Primary parish Status Update February 2023
ITCP/2017/13 Lack of dedicated cycle route Lyndon Top Manton Progress or construct Scheme is being finalised and costs put together. Works scheduled for 2024
ITCP/2018/01 Safety concerns for cyclists and pedestrians Northern footway on the A6121, Ketton - approximately between Chater Lodge and The Gate Lodge. Ketton Progress or construct Scheme in design stage and cost calculated. Scheme to go to Cabinet to be added to the capital programme
ITCP-2020-06 Road Safety - request for footway LHS of carriageway Geeston settlement carriageway Ketton Progress or construct Going through design. Officers have carried out early contractor involvement (ECI) and have instructed Openreach to attend site to survey the BT chamber. An order has been raised with BT to carry out the assessment. RCC are now waiting for the assessment by BT to be completed
ITCP-2020-81 Roadside parking area Lyddington Road Caldecott Progress or construct The scheme has been designed and costs calculated. Order has been raised with the contractor with estimated completed by date of 31/3/2024
ITCP-2021-07 Safety concern Bus shelter on A6003 Preston Progress or construct A scheme has been put together including improved signs and lines. This has been approved by the Parish. Estimate complete date December 2024
ITCP-2021-14 Lack of footpath with dropped kerb to cross Lands’ End Way (LE15 6US area) Barleythorpe Progress or construct Scheme has been designed and costed. Awaiting confirmation from Allison Homes for when the footpath will be completed to the north of Farriers Reach junction with Lands’ End Way. The two footpaths will tie in together
ITCP-2021-33 Concern regarding accidents Ashwell Village crossroads Ashwell Progress or construct Proposal to replace 4x giveaway signs with 4x give way signs on yellow backing to make it more visible. The white lines have already been refreshed through the lining programme. Order raised with contractor, estimated completed Date November 2023
ITCP-2021-38 Lack of safe crossing point junction of Langham Rd and Oakham Rd in Ashwell Ashwell Progress or construct An assessment has been carried out which identified there is no dropped kerb in this area, therefore it is recommended to provide a drop kerb. Order Raised with contractor, estimated complete date January 2024
ITCP-2022-18 Lack of dropped Crossings Edmonton Way Estate, Oakham Oakham Progress or construct There are no dropped kerbs around development. It is proposed to install 8 new dropped crossing around Edmonton Way. Estimated Complete date January 2024
ITCP-2022-22 Noise associated with traffic and speeding A6003/ London Road - Spring Back Way to Uppingham community college Uppingham Progress or construct Following damage to the pedestrian barrier, it is recommended to remove this length of barrier and replace barrier with a new spec. The works will include footpath resurfacing and edging back. Estimated complete by date December 2024
ITCP-2022-26 Roundabout layout and lack of signage Chater Close/ Lyndon Road Manton Progress or construct RCC met with the parish council and ward members to discuss the concern in more detail. Following this officers met with the police on site to assess what could be achieved to improve the safety of this roundabout. A scheme has been recommended in consultation with the police and is recommended for construction. An order has been raised with estimated complete by date 30/1/2024
ITCP-2023-01 Road Safety Railway Crossing/Cold Overton Road LE15 6LN Barleythorpe Progress or construct Initial assessment completed. The LHA cannot provide engineering solutions for reckless driving the barrier is closed, however can install a yellow box to prevent vehicles blocking the right-hand turn lane. Order has been raised with contractor Estimated complete date January 2024
ITCP-2023-27 Speed of vehicles Manton Road Edith Weston Progress or construct An assessment was carried out on site with the police following high readings from the community speed watch (CSW) it is recommended to progress with a scheme either side of Weston Road to reduce vehicle speeds entering and exiting the village. Order has been raised, complete by date 31/3/2024
ITCP-2023-28 Bus Stop bench Barleythorpe Road Oakham Progress or construct An order has been raised with the contractor for the installation of the bench. Estimated complete by date 7/12/2023 (depending on delivery of the bench)


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