Bus passes

How to apply for a bus pass and where you can use your pass

We have three types of bus pass available:

  • Freedom Travel - for people of state pension age
  • Access Travel - for people with disabilities
  • Travel Aid - for people who are unemployed and seeking work
Bus pass - accordion

Freedom Travel

To apply, you must:

How to apply

Complete the application form and return with any supporting documents by email to transport@rutland.gov.uk or post to: Transport Team, Rutland County Council, Catmose, Oakham, Rutland LE15 6HP.

You can ask us to send an application form through the post - email your name and address to: transport@rutland.gov.uk.

People without internet access can ask for a form to be posted by calling our customer services team: 01572 722 577.

When you can use your pass

You can use your pass on journeys between 9.30am and 11pm, Monday to Friday and all day on weekends and bank holidays.

Freedom passes may also be used to claim 50% discount with the community transport scheme operated by Voluntary Action Rutland (VAR). Please contact VAR on 01572 724705 for more information. 


There is no fee for renewing your pass.

We will automatically send you a renewal form a month before your pass is due to expire.

Lost or stolen passes

Call our customer services team on 01572 722 577 if your pass is lost or stolen.

A replacement pass costs £10 - you can pay for this online.

If you move home

If you've moved in to Rutland, you'll need to apply for a new bus pass. Return your old pass to the address on the back of your pass and let them know you've moved.

Please also let us know if you move house within Rutland.

If you move out of Rutland, you'll need to return your pass to us.

Access Travel

You must be a Rutland resident and have a disability or be unable to drive for medical reasons to be entitled to a concessionary bus pass. If you receive the higher rate mobility allowance, you cannot claim free travel through this scheme.

You can apply if you:

  • are blind or partially sighted
  • are profoundly or severely deaf in both ears
  • are without speech
  • have severe difficulty in walking
  • do not have arms or have long-term loss of the use of both arms
  • have a learning disability which is severe and diagnosed during early life
  • have applied for a licence to drive under Part III of the Road Traffic Act 1988, but your application was turned down because of section 92 of the Act (physical fitness) but not if it was because of persistent misuse of drugs or alcohol

How to apply

Complete the application form and return by email to transport@rutland.gov.uk or post to: Transport Team, Rutland County Council, Catmose, Oakham, Rutland LE15 6HP.

You can ask us to send an application form through the post - email your name and address to: transport@rutland.gov.uk.

People without internet access can ask for a form to be posted by calling our customer services team: tel:01572 722 577.

When you can use your pass

You can use your pass on journeys between 9.30am and 11pm, Monday to Friday and all day on weekends and bank holidays.

Access passes may also be used to claim 50% discount with the community care scheme operated by Voluntary Action Rutland (VAR). Please contact VAR on 01572 724705 for more information. 


There is no fee for renewing your pass.

We will automatically send you a renewal form a month before your pass is due to expire.

Lost or stolen passes

Call our customer services team on tel:01572 722 577 if your pass is lost or stolen.

A replacement pass costs £10 - you can pay for this online.

If you move home

If you've moved in to Rutland, you'll need to apply for a new bus pass. Return your old pass to the address on the back of your pass and let them know you've moved.

Please also let us know if you move house within Rutland. 

If you move out of Rutland, you'll need to return your pass to us.

Travel Aid

To apply for this pass, you must:

  • live in Rutland
  • be unemployed and actively seeking work

A bus pass will usually be issued for a four week period.

The pass lets you claim half fare travel on valid bus journeys beginning in Rutland.

When your pass is due to expire, ask your JobCentre to give you another form - they must sign and stamp this.

How to apply

Complete the application and ask your JobCentre to sign and stamp the form, and return to us at: Transport Team, Rutland County Council, Catmose, Oakham, Rutland LE15 6HP.

You can ask us to send an application form through the post - email your name and address to: transport@rutland.gov.uk.

People without internet access can ask for a form to be posted by calling our customer services team: 01572 722 577.

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