Lost, stolen and replacement Blue Badges
If your badge is lost, stolen or damaged you can report it and get a replacement.
How to apply
You can apply online through GOV,UK or download our application form.
You will need to email your evidence, photo (if not already uploaded) and any supporting documents to: bluebadges@rutland.gov.uk or post to: Blue Badges, Rutland County Council, Catmose, Oakham, Rutland LE15 6HP.
We will assess your application and contact you to ask you pay the £10 application fee.
How to pay
You can:
- pay online
- pay over the phone - call our customer services team on 01572 722 577
- pay by cheque - make your cheque payable to Rutland County Council. If you pay be cheque, it will take longer to receive your badge
Blue Badges - link doc - Blue Badge Replacement Application Form
Blue badges - link - Your responsibilities