If you are terminally ill
If you've been issued a DS1500 medical report, you can apply for a fast track Blue Badge. A friend, relative or medical professional can also apply on your behalf.
To apply, download and complete the Blue Badge Fast Track Application Form. Email your completed form and a copy of the DS1500 report to bluebadges@rutland.gov.uk or post to: Blue Badges, Rutland County Council, Catmose, Oakham, Rutland LE15 6HP.
You will also need to pay £10 for your badge.
When we've received your completed form and payment, we'll issue your Blue Badge within four working days.
How to pay
You can:
- pay online
- pay over the phone - call our customer services team on 01572 722 577
- pay by cheque - make your cheque payable to Rutland County Council. If you pay be cheque, it will take longer to receive your badge
Blue Badge Fast Track Application Form
Blue badges - link - Your responsibilities