Highways fees and charges

Local and national fees and charges for highways services

Ways to pay highways fees and charges:

Our address: Highways, Rutland County Council, Catmose, Oakham, Rutland LE15 6HP

Highways fees and charges - accordion

Annual licences


  • License to cultivate: £84

Street café

  • Street café licence - initial fee: £314
  • Street café licence - renewal: £164
  • pavement licence: £250


  • to place A-board in highway - initial licence: £64
  • to place A-board in highway - renewal: £32

Inspection of works and reinstatement

Brown Signs

  • Initial assessment fee (non-refundable): £288
  • Design fee per each design (not each sign): £147
  • Sign washing fee per sign: £64
  • Manufacture and installation - Sign(s) and post(s): Term Maintenance Contract actual costs, plus 10% staff time
  • Removal fee (at end of agreement period, if agreement not re-applied for and approved) - Sign(s) and post(s): Term Maintenance Contract actual costs, plus 10% staff time

Temporary Direction Signs

  • Application fee: As per Brown Signs
  • Manufacture and installation fee Sign(s) and post(s): Term Maintenance Contract actual costs, plus 10% staff time
  • Sign cleaning fee: £64
  • Removal fee - Sign(s) and post(s): Term Maintenance Contract actual costs, plus 10% staff time

National set fees and charges

Charges in relation to works occupying the carriageway during period of overrun

Prescribed in the New Roads and Street Works Act 1991

Works Cost
Traffic-sensitive street or protected street not in road category 2, 3 or 4 - first three days £5,000
Traffic-sensitive street or protected street not in road category 2, 3 or 4 - each subsequent day £10,000
Other street not in road category 2, 3 or 4 £2,500
Other street not in road category 2, 3 or 4 - each subsequent day £2,500
Traffic-sensitive street or protected street in road category 2 £3,000
Traffic-sensitive street or protected street in road category 2 - each subsequent day £8,000
Other street in road category 2 £2,000
Other street in road category 2 - each subsequent day £2,000
Traffic-sensitive street or protected street in road category 3 or 4 £750
Traffic-sensitive street or protected street in road category 3 or 4 - each subsequent day £750
Other street in road category 3 or 4 £250
Other street in road category 3 or 4 - each subsequent day £750
NRSWA sample inspection £50
Defect inspection £47.50
Third party defect £68















Section 41 Traffic Management Act 2004

Works Cost
Fixed penalty notice - ETON notices £120
If paid within 28 days £80




Section 74 Traffic Management Act 2004

Works Cost
Fixed penalty notices £120
Discounted rate £80

Other charges

Accident data

  • Request for accident data - enquiry with no accidents (to commercial agents - cost to litigants): £57
  • Request for accident data - raw data - any enquiry up to 50 accidents (to commercial agents - cost to litigants): £110
  • Request for accident data - raw data - major enquiry over 50 accidents (to commercial agents - cost to litigants): Cost plus FOI duplicating and postage charges

Speed surveys

  • Speed surveys: £512
  • Post for speed surveys: post at term maintenance contract actual costs, plus staff time

Local Search Highway Plan

Section 38, 278 and 106 agreements

  • Section 38 Agreement Fee (supervisions fees): 11% to £500,000 then 5% plus legal fees
  • Section 278 Agreement Fee (Minimum fee £3,500 Non-Refundable): Minimum £3,500 or the agreement fee is to be charged upfront.
  • S38 - Technical Approval (non-refundable): £3,000 to £5,000 depending on size of site
  • Adoption of roadside gullies as part of S38 agreement: £1,500

Grit bins

  • Filling of parish grit bins: £75

Removal, storage and disposal or structure with highway - caravan, Highways Act 1980 for example

  • Removal of vehicles equal to or less than 3.5 tonnes: Vehicle on road, upright and not substantially damaged or any two wheeled vehicle: £262

Land drainage

  • Consent application: £50

Road traffic accidents

  • If fatal and nobody convicted of an offence: no charge
  • Otherwise: term maintenance contract actual costs, plus 10% staff time
  • Minimum charge: £257 

Other licences


  • One week period, or part thereof: £46
  • Extension for one week or part thereof: £46
  • In addition to skip permit where suspension of parking bay per six metres squared, per day: £30
  • Weekly charge for skips illegally place on the highway or found to have exceeded its permit: £162

Scaffold / hoardings

  • Four week period or part thereof: £128
  • Extension for four weeks or part thereof: £96
  • Weekly charge for any scaffolding illegally placed on the highway or found to have exceeded its permit: £162
  • Mobile scaffold tower - per day: £128
  • Mobile tower extension - per day: £96

Cherry picker

  • Cherry picker - per day: £128
  • Cherry picker extension: £96

Building material on the highway

  • Building material on the highway - per week: £46
  • Building material on the highway - per additional week: £20

Bench or obstruction licence

  • To place benches or obstruction (a noticeboard, for example) in highway - initial fee to make or amend licence: £327
  • To amend bench or obstruction licence: £240

Vehicle access permit

  • Vehicle crossing application and permit fee for Section 184 - up to two domestic properties: £194
  • Vehicle crossing application and permit fee for Section 184 - over two properties and commercial: £572
  • Vehicle crossing application and permit for Section 184 Temporary Construction Access (on major developments including those where a S278 application will follow): £3,500
  • H-bar marking: £199

Road closures and traffic management

Road closures

  • Temporary road closure application: £984
  • Temporary road closure application - including advertising: £1,441
  • Temporary traffic regulation order application: £984
  • Deferring start date of an already processed order: £493
  • Emergency road closure (by Notice): £655
  • Advertising fees for temporary traffic regulation order: at cost plus 10% administration fee

Traffic signals

  • Turning off traffic signals for required works: £397
  • Temporary traffic signals: £70

Review of traffic management proposal

  • Major: £262
  • Minor: £70
  • Resubmit: £63
  • Design of traffic management: £329
  • Installation of traffic management: signs and posts at term of maintenance contract actual costs, plus 10% staff time
  • Traffic regulation orders on or for new development: highway's staff time, advertising, works at cost, legal fees plus duplication and postage as required
  • Materials and works ordered on behalf of third parties - parish councils, for example: term maintenance contract actual costs, plus 10% staff time

Section 50 licence

  • Opening of street or road for new service: £631
  • Additional charge per 200m for works in excess of 200m: £179
  • Opening of street or road for existing service repairs: £461
  • Section 171 trial hole: £397