Local bus routes and timetables
See routes and timetables for local bus services in Rutland.
Under street works legislation the highway asset can be protected from being dug up following substantial works.
Substantial road works mean works for road purposes that comprise a reconstruction, widening, alteration in the level, resurfacing or specialist non-skid surface dressing of the part of the highway concerned and which if carried out in a footpath, footway, bridleway, or cycle track.
When someone wants to carry out works on Rutland's network they need to apply for a notice.
Notices are checked against road space availability and other proposed works to ensure the network is kept free flowing and ensure disruption to the travelling public is kept to a minimum.
Works on the network can be viewed via one.network which is a platform used to plan, monitor, and communicate traffic disruptions.
Rutland are moving to a permit system over the next 12 months which will further improve co-ordination over works on the network.