You can report these issues through MyAccount:
- abandoned vehicles
- bin issues - a broken bin, for example
- crash barriers
- dead animal
- fly posting
- fly tipping
- footway or footpaths
- graffiti
- gully or manhole
- kerbs
- missed bins
- missed grass cutting
- roads and highways
- road signage
- rubbish
- street cleaning
- street furniture
- street lighting
- street name plate
- syringes
- traffic signals
- trees or vegetation
- winter maintenance
You can report these issues through FixMyStreet
- abandoned vehicles
- crash barriers
- dead animal
- fly posting
- fly tipping
- footway or footpaths
- graffiti
- gully or manhole
- kerbs
- missed grass cutting
- roads and highways
- road signage
- street cleaning
- street furniture
- street lighting
- street name plate
- syringes
- traffic signals
- trees or vegetation
- winter maintenance
You can report these issues through this website:
Anti-social behaviour
Concern about a child or young person
Concern about a vulnerable adult
Report a flood