You are invited to submit your representations to the consultation which opens on Monday 21 October and closes at 4pm Monday 2 December 2024.
In accordance with Regulation 19 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012 representations are invited on the publication version of the Rutland Local Plan 2021 - 2041. Representations should focus on whether it is legally compliant and meets the tests of 'soundness' as set out in the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), paragraph 35, referring to specific policies wherever possible.
Find out more about the plan making process, legal compliance and tests of soundness:
Legal compliance
The Local Plan has been prepared in accordance with legal and procedural requirements. The plan should have been:
We should also have worked collaboratively with neighbouring authorities and prescribed bodies on strategic and cross boundary matters, known as the Duty to Co-operate. This is demonstrated in the Duty to Co-operate Statement.
Local Plans are considered to be sound if they have been:
- positively prepared - provides a strategy which, as a minimum, seeks to meet our objectively assessed needs and is informed by agreements with other authorities, so that unmet need from neighbouring areas is accommodated where it is practical to do so and is consistent with achieving sustainable development
- justified - an appropriate strategy, taking into account the reasonable alternatives, and based on proportionate evidence
- effective - deliverable over the plan period, and based on effective joint working on cross-boundary strategic matters that have been dealt with rather than deferred, as evidenced by the statement of common ground
- consistent with national policy - enabling the delivery of sustainable development in accordance with the policies in this framework and other statements of national planning policy, where relevant
How to have your say on the Regulation 19 Consultation
Have your say by visiting our online consultation portal with your comments on the proposed draft of the Rutland Local Plan 2021 - 2041. Comments are also invited on the Sustainability Appraisal (SEA/SA) (October 2024) and the Habitats Regulation Assessment (HRA) (August 2024).