The Issues and Options consultation is an important part of the Local Plan process.
It is the first stage of public consultation, where residents are asked how they would like to tackle a range of planning issues and proposed options for the future development of the county.
The consultation does not identify potential development sites or draft policy working.
The Issues and Options consultation ran from Thursday 30 June until Friday 30 September 2022.
The consultation document
The consultation document was made up of themed sections, setting out options for how we could approach the policy. There were questions alongside each section where you could respond to the suggestions made. Some questions were specifically open ended, particularly where planning policy development is at an early stage.
Download the summary of responses received in the Issues and Options consultation
Detailed responses by section:
- Local Plan vision and strategic objectives
- Issue 1: Tackling the climate crisis
- Issue 2: Determining the appropriate level and location of growth
- Issue 3: Meeting identified current and future housing needs
- Issue 4: Enabling a prosperous and resilient economy, linked to levels of housing growth
- Issue 5: Supporting vibrant town centres and a network of local centres to serve local retail and service needs
- Issue 6: Enabling safer and stronger communities, supported with viable and accessible community and cultural facilities
- Issue 7: Promoting sustainable and active modes of travel
- Issue 8: Ensuring new development is well designed to encourage active and healthy lifestyles and address health inequalities
- Issue 9: Conserving and enhancing Rutland's historic assets
- Issue 10: Protecting and enhancing the county's biodiversity, wildlife habitats, green and blue infrastructure, and open spaces
- Issue 11: Addressing minerals and waste requirements alongside environmental considerations
- Issue 12: Ensuring development is supported by essential infrastructure and services
- Miscellaneous Responses
Supporting documents
We also invited comment on some supporting documents: