Child employment and performance licences

Child performance related licences

All children aged from birth to the end of the school year they turn 16 need to take part in a public performance or activity, if either:

  • they're going to be absent from school (the absence also needs to be approved by their headteacher)
  • an audience is paying to watch the performance (unless this is only to cover performance costs)
  • the child or someone else is being paid for the child's performance
  • the child will perform on more than four days in any six month period
  • the child's taking part in paid sporting activities
  • the child's taking part in modelling work - including photo sessions, fashion shows or catwalk shows

If the performance runs for four or less days, you may be able to apply for an exemption.

If lots of children are involved in the performance, and they will not need to be absent from school, you may be able to apply for a Body of Person Certificate.

The person responsible for the performance is responsible for submitting the application. You must apply at least 21 days before the performance or the date the child will be absent from school.

You should submit an application to us if the child:

  • lives in Rutland
  • goes to a boarding school in Rutland
  • lives outside of the UK but your business or organisation is based in Rutland

If the child lives outside of Rutland, you should apply to the child's home local authority.

If you have any questions, email: inclusion@rutland.gov.uk.

Child performance licences - accordion

Performance licences

To apply for a performance licence you'll need:

  • apply at least 21 days before the date of the first performance or the first day the child will need to be absent from school
  • to tell us when the child will be performing
  • full details of the performance
  • dates and times of performances and rehearsals
  • the period of time activities will take place
  • one passport size photo of the child
  • a copy of the child's birth certificate
  • a copy of your safeguarding policy
  • a letter from the child's school agreeing any absences
  • a copy of the risk assessment on the child's role (if applicable)
  • copy of the (draft) contract or agreement relating to the child's appearance in the performance (if applicable)
  • a registered chaperone approved by us who must be in charge of the child throughout the period covered by the licence - a chaperone can look after up to 12 children at one time

Who receives a copy of the licence:

  • the applicant (original copy)
  • the child's school, if absence is needed
  • the parent
  • the chaperone (if applicable)

If you have any questions, email: inclusion@rutland.gov.uk.

Body of Person Approval Certificate

If your organisation or school has a Body of Person Certificate, you will not have to apply for a child performance licence for each child.

However, if a child will need to be absent from school to perform, you'll need a licence for each child affected.

To qualify, your organisation or school must:

  • comply with licencing and performance regulations
  • have all performances and rehearsals based in Rutland and take place out of school hours
  • have child safeguarding policy
  • not make pay to or on behalf of the child, other than expenses

You should submit an application at least 21 days before the performance or activity.

If you have any questions, email: inclusion@rutland.gov.uk.

Chaperone licence

Children under 16 who are taking part in a performance must be supervised by a parent, carer or registered chaperone.

To apply for a chaperone licence, you'll need:

  • to submit an application form
  • to provide a passport-sized photo of yourself
  • the names and contact details of two referees, one who knows you professionally
  • to complete mandatory online training
  • to attend an appointment where proof of identity will be confirmed
  • an enhanced DBS check - we can tell you how to arrange this if you don't have a current certificate

You need to allow at least 12 weeks before the first rehearsal or performance you intend to be a chaperone for.

Once approved:

  • you'll stay on the register for three years
  • you can chaperone anywhere in the UK whilst registered
  • at the end of the three years, you'll need to re-register

If you have any questions, email: inclusion@rutland.gov.uk.

Child performance licence exemption certificate

You can apply for an exemption if the performance runs for four days or less and:

  • no payment is made to the child or another person for their performance, other than to cover expenses
  • no absence from school is needed
  • the child will not have performed for more than four days in the last six months, including your performance dates
  • the performance is being organised by the child's school

If the criteria listed does not apply, you'll need to apply for a child performance licence or Body of Person Approval Certificate.

You need to apply at least 21 days before the start of the performance or activity.

If the child needs a licence after you've submitted your exemption application, we cannot guarantee this will be processed in time for your performance.

If you have any questions, email: inclusion@rutland.gov.uk.