Alcohol, entertainment and gambling licences

Alcohol and entertainment

Our licensing service is delivered by Peterborough City Council.

Alcohol and entertainment - accordion

Premises licences

To provide late-night refreshment and regulated entertainment, and sell alcohol, you need a premises licence from us if you are in the Rutland area.

Under new measures brought in as part of the Immigration Act 2016, immigration checks will be part of the process for applying for a licence. A premises licence will not be issued to anyone who does not have permission to be or work in the UK.

Recently legislation changes have made it an offence for licensee's to purchase alcohol for onward sale or supply from an unapproved UK wholesaler - check that the wholesaler is approved on GOV.UK.

Apply online

You can apply online for a new premises licence or to amend an existing premises licence using the links below.

When you apply online, we'll send copies of your application to the relevant authorities on your behalf.

Please note: when applying to transfer a premises licence or to vary the designated premises supervisor, please download the Police information form and submit the completed form with your application.

Personal licences

All sales of alcohol must be made by or under the authority of a Personal Licence holder. Not everyone who makes a sale has to hold a Personal Licence, as long as a personal licence holder has authorised the sale. This does not apply to qualifying clubs or premises operating under a Temporary Event Notice.

To apply for a personal licence you must be over 18 and hold a licencing qualification that has been accredited by the Secretary of State, accredited personal licence qualification providers.

Under new measures, brought in as part of the Immigration Act 2016, immigration checks will be part of the process for applying for a licence. A personal licence will not be issued to anyone who does not have permission to be or work in the UK.

Your application must include:

Temporary Event Notice (TEN)

A temporary event is a relatively small-scale event attracting fewer than 500 people, the event must last no more than 168 hours and can be held either outdoors or indoors. Any premises can only be used for 15 temporary events per year, up to a total maximum of 21 days, you must be over 18 in order to hold a temporary event.

There are two types of temporary event notice:

  • a standard temporary event notice, which is given no later than 10 working days before the event to which it relates.
  • a late temporary event notice, which is given not before 9 and not later than 5 working days before the event to which it relates.

Download guidance notes for completing a temporary event notice.

You can apply and pay online for a temporary event notice.

We do not accept paper or email applications for TENs.

Application forms

Where we don't offer an online application, you can download manual application forms in this section.

Once you have made your online payment please email your completed forms and any supporting documents to rcclicensing@peterborough.gov.uk

Statement of Licensing Policy

The policy explains how we as the Licensing Authority will carry out its role under the Act.

It covers many areas including licensing hours, temporary event notices and enforcement details.

Download our Statement of Licensing Policy