Social media

Stay up to date with the latest council news and information by following us on social media.

Our social media platforms are a useful source of information about the council, local services and what’s happening in Rutland.

To make sure they remain fair and open, we have some guidelines that we ask everyone to follow.

You're welcome to join our conversation on social media. However, we reserve the right to remove posts that break certain rules and may block or ban users who repeatedly breach these guidelines.

Our Guidelines  

Our social media accounts are intended to be friendly, helpful and inclusive.  

We’ll remove comments that are abusive, offensive, insulting, identify an individual in a negative way or contain expletives. If someone continues to behave like this, we may permanently block or ban them from our pages.

Where a comment is sharing false information in error or because of a misunderstanding, we’ll try to respond and clarify the issue. However, we will remove comments if we think they are intentionally misleading or malicious.

Users will be banned from our pages if they are abusive, offensive or insult a member of staff, a councillor or another member of the public on one or more occasions.

We won’t accept 'trolling' or comments that have nothing to do with the original post. These comments will be removed and the user who wrote them may be banned.

Replying to comments and questions  

We’ll always try to respond to comments that contain a valid question. We receive a lot of comments and may not always spot your question. If this happens, you’re welcome to ask again or message us privately and we’ll do our best to help.

If your request is serious or urgent or we can’t help on social media, you should contact the relevant council service directly.  

For your own security, we can't deal with any requests on social media which require you to disclose personal details, like your phone number or email address.

Please don’t rely on our social media to raise concerns when our offices are closed, as our pages are not continuously monitored. See our website for the best way to contact us outside of normal working hours.

Respecting other people’s views

We want our followers to behave on social media as they would at work or out in their community. Please respect other people’s opinions and refrain from using defamatory, racist, abusive, violent or obscene language. 

To keep our social media channels friendly and welcoming to all, we reserve the right to block or ban users who act inappropriately.

Likes, follows and shares

We’re careful about who we follow, like and share content from. Please don’t be offended if we don’t like or follow you. We need to be sure that what we share isn’t seen as an endorsement of a particular opinion, organisation or individual.

Where we do follow, like or share content, we do it because it may be of interest or benefit to residents and customers. This doesn't mean we endorse the person or organisation where the post originated.

Political comment

It’s important that we remain politically neutral on social media at all times and we will not answer questions of a political nature.  

If you have a political query, please direct this to your local councillor. You can find their details on our Councillors page.  

Stay safe online

It’s important to be careful when using social media and to do everything you can to protect yourself online.

Our pages

Social Media - link - like us on Facebook
Social Media - link - Follow us on Twitter
Social Media - link - watch our videos on YouTube
Social Media - link - Instagram