The council’s travel to school-post 16 policies have not been reviewed since 2016. In January 2024, the Department for Education updated its statutory guidance on ‘travel to school for children of compulsory school age’ which sets out what local authorities must do to comply with the law.
By law, the council is required to offer free travel assistance to school for those who meet certain criteria. The council may also provide travel assistance to school, whether free of charge or subsidised, for others who they are not legally required to help.
There are currently three separate home to school transport policies, plus a fourth policy that covers the travel of young people aged 19 to 25 with SEND who remain in education and training. This number of policies can be confusing for parents and carers who wish to find out about the options available to them and how the assistance offered may change as children grow older.
The council’s budget for school transport continues to be overstretched in response to increased demand and requests for more tailored transport arrangements. The council must consider how to balance rising demand, the needs of children and young people, and parental expectations against the need to deliver value for money for the public purse.
It is intended that the new policy will be implemented from September 2026 for pre-16 pupils, with the Post-16 element being implemented from September 2025.
What are the proposed changes?
The main policy changes we are proposing are:
to combine the three policies into one ‘Home to School and Post-16 Travel Assistance Policy’ which includes travel assistance for those aged 19-25 with SEND who remain in education and training;
to use terms in the new policy that reflect the range of travel assistance that the council is able to offer under the broad ‘transport’ banner;
to use terms that better reflect the council’s aim for young people to travel as independently as they are able, encouraging and supporting this by regularly reviewing the travel assistance offered;
to offer more freedom and choice for families to make their own travel arrangements, replacing mileage payments with a personal travel budget for the family to spend as they wish, as long as the young person attends their learning setting as expected;
to be more specific about the travel assistance offer for split families and for pupils undergoing a managed move;
to remove travel assistance for those below statutory school age (i.e. those aged 4 and under);
to introduce new arrangements for the travel assistance, offer for students aged 16-19
to clarify the process of appeals and complaints.
What will not change or be consulted upon?
The council will continue to meet its duty under section 508B and Schedule 35B of the Education Act 1996 to provide free travel assistance to eligible children.
When is the consultation taking place?
The consultation will be open from 9am on 6 January 2025 to 4pm on 14 February 2025.
Home to School Transport Policy Consultation - FAQs
Home to School Transport Policy Consultation - FAQs
Who can participate?
Children and young people, parents, carers, schools and colleges can participate in this consultation.
Is the review on the current policies available to the public?
The review document that was discussed at cabinet on 10 December 2024 can be found on the Agenda and meetings page.
You say you want to see more parents taking up personal travel budgets. What if I don’t want one?
If your child is eligible for free home to school travel, we will offer you a personal travel budget where it makes financial sense for the council to do so. We can pay a family so they can take their son or daughter to and from school. But it is voluntary- you don’t have to take one. We will move on and offer you another form of travel if that is the case. For post 16 students – where the council does not have to provide free travel – depending on the outcome of the consultation, we may offer you a travel budget, with a seat on a bus or in a taxi only where it is necessary.
How will the consultation responses be used to shape the transport support policies and when will the final policies be agreed?
The final policies and proposals will be considered by cabinet on the 22 May 2025.
My child has complex needs and is currently attending specialist provision – will their transport change?
The council’s approach to assessing transport provision will remain needs-based and continue to be decided during the annual review process.
Will my child be expected to carry out travel training and will we lose the seat on the bus if we say no?
No, travel training is voluntary. We are offering travel training to pupils of secondary school age who have SEND and who are entitled to home to school travel. We will discuss the benefits of travel training with parents and the young person. We can assure you that your son or daughter will not lose any travel entitlements until they are confidently able to travel independently. The programme is personalised to meet the needs of the young person. Depending on the outcome of the consultation, for students with SEND who are aged 16 and over travel training may be the prime offer of support where appropriate.
How will these potential changes affect those 19 and over who are still at college?
The final policy agreement will be the same for those aged 19 and over with an EHCP as for post 16 who are still at college.
Where can I find more information about what support my family and I can access?
Our School transport page sets out the overall arrangements for home to school travel and transport in Rutland and which shows you how to apply.
What happens if a child is currently receiving transport support? Will any changes affect their eligibility immediately?
The new policy for all school age children will be implemented from September 2026 and for post 16 and post 19 from September 2025. However, students currently in receipt of travel assistance will continue to receive that assistance until they leave their current school or college or move to their next stage of education. The council’s approach to assessing transport provision will continue to be needs-based and will be reviewed for each student periodically.
What happens if a child is due to start at a new school in September 2025 and is expecting transport support under the current policies?
Any travel assistance will be assessed under the current policies.
What happens if under the new policies, a family cannot afford to take their child to school?
Parents will need to contact the council directly to discuss cases such as this.
What if I don't want to (or can't) complete the survey online? Can someone help me to complete the survey?
If you experience any issues with the survey or if you would like us to complete a paper copy of the survey, please contact us at the email above.