Have you got something to say about how local services are run, or an idea or information you'd like to share with your elected councillors?
You can find out which topics will be discussed by councillors on our agendas, reports and cabinet's Forward Plan of Key Decisions pages.
You're welcome to attend all public council, cabinet, scrutiny and committee meetings. We've put some guides together to help you if you'd like to speak, ask a question or present a petition at a public meeting:
- making a deputation or asking a question
- petition guidance
- public speaking scheme for planning applications
Recording council meetings
The Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014 allows any member of the public to film, audio record, take photographs and use social media to report the proceedings of any public meeting.
We're committed to being open and transparent in how we conduct our decision-making meetings - we've developed a protocol to help you, if you'd like to record at public meetings.