Report a flood
If there is an immediate danger to life, please call the emergency services on 999.
If this flooding is severe and is occurring outside of our office hours (9.00am to 5.00pm Monday to Thursday, 9.00am to 4.30pm Friday) please call our out of hours emergency service on 01858 464 499.
Reporting a flood
The flood report form allows you to report a flood to a highway, property or land within the county. Reporting a flood event to Rutland County Council helps us to understand where flooding issues are occurring and can be used to:
- deploy resources in areas needing support, for example, closing roads, providing emergency housing provision and social care services
- identify areas within the county where remedial action may be required to reduce risk and prevent further flooding incidents occurring, for example, cleaning of gullies and highways
- identify areas of land which are not the responsibility of the council and work with landowners to take corrective action where required
- support the development of flood defence plans and predictive modelling for the county
- identify the impact and potential cost of flooding, financial and human, to the county
Who needs to know about flooding
Depending on the cause of the flooding, the management of flooding will fall to several organisations. Therefore, you will need to contact the appropriate agency as follows:
Surface water on the road, flooding arising from a blocked drain on to the highway or flooding from a small watercourse or ground water
Flooding from a river, reservoir or other environmental concern
- contact the Environment Agency call 0800 80 70 60 You can search for which rivers are the responsibility of the Environment Agency using the river map.
Flooding from a burst water main or sewer
- contact your water company, Rutland is covered by Anglian Water 03457 145 145 and Severn Trent 03457 500 500
What happens when I complete the online flood report form
The details of the report will be recorded and passed onto the relevant service within the council. A response will be determined by the cause and impact of the flooding. Please note not all reports will receive a response from Rutland County Council.
Information collected through the reports are not shared with any external agency.