Report flooding
If you need to report flooding on local roads or inside your property, please visit our Report a flood page.
You are responsible for lateral drains within (under) your property boundary.
Anglian Water are responsible for drains outside your property boundary, shared sewers and public sewers and are one of the local water and sewerage companies.
Severn Trent Water are the responsible for clean water pipes and some sewerage and drainage.
If you're connected to the public sewer system, they're responsible for the pipes that are outside your property. You're responsible for pipes within your property boundary.
You can find out more on the Anglian Water website and the Severn Trent Water website about what each company is responsible for in your area.
The Environment Agency is the leading public body protecting and improving the environment.
You can find guidance on flood risk assessments for developers on GOV.UK.
If your proposal requires a full flood risk assessment, we advise you to discuss the assessment's scope and content with the Environment Agency and our planning team before you start work on it - email:
New developments are encouraged to use sustainable drainage throughout, to reduce the risk of flooding.
Sustainable drainage systems (SuDS) provide alternatives to the direct channelling of surface water through pipe networks and sewers to a nearby watercourse.
It's essential that consideration of sustainable drainage takes place at the start of the design process and the site design is adjusted accordingly. This should ensure the most cost effective, well designed sustainable drainage to deliver the required functionality.
All major planning applications must ensure that sustainable drainage systems for the management of run-off are put in place, unless demonstrated to be inappropriate.
A developer should:
We work with Peterborough City Council on all SuDS schemes - visit their website for more information on sustainable drainage.
Find out more at: