Floods and water

Flooding advice

Flooding is a growing risk, with climate change leading to more frequent extreme weather events.

While the risk of severe flooding in Rutland is lower than other areas, you need to know how to prepare for severe weather, stay safe and prevent damage from floods.

As a householder or business, it is your responsibility to look after your property, including protecting it from flooding.

Flood alerts and weather warnings

You can find out if your home or business is at risk form flooding by visiting the national GOV.UK website. Use this service to check:

  • current flood warnings or alerts

  • river, sea, groundwater and rainfall levels

  • flood risk in the next five days

Floods and Water Guide - Link - GOV.UK Check for flooding
Floods and Water Guide - Text - Flooding forecast

If you're worried about flooding where you live, you can check the very latest flooding forecast for England.

You can also call Floodline on: 0345 988 1188 or sign up for automatic flood alerts.

Floods and Water Guide - Text - Responsibilities

Our role during floods

We are the Lead Local Flood Authority for Rutland. During a flood, we help the emergency services, close roads and deal with flooding on the highway. 

Although we provide emergency assistance, depending on the situation, we do not have a legal responsibility to provide assistance during floods.

If you need to report flooding on local roads or inside your property, please email: enquiries@rutland.gov.uk or call: 01572 722 577

Our phones are answered by Harborough Lifeline outside of normal working hours. Please leave a message if lines are busy. If you are in danger or need emergency care, call 999.


If you know your home is at risk of flooding, we advise you to get sandbags or flood defence equipment to prepare before flooding happens. 

We do not provide sandbags to on request. You will need to buy these from a DIY store or builders' merchant.

We are only able to issue sandbags to protect critical infrastructure and support emergency services.

Owners of land or property near a watercourse

Ordinary watercourses are water channels that don't form part of the main river networks, such as streams, drains, open ditches, culverts and surface water sewers.

If you own land next to an ordinary watercourse, you are likely to be responsible for making sure the section of watercourse on your land is kept clear of blockages and any structures have no sign of collapse throughout the year.

Please see our Watercourse Maintenance page for more information.

The Environment Agency has also published guidance on your responsibilities and rules to follow for watercourses on or near your property, and the permissions you need to do work around them.

Floods and Water Guide - Link - Owning a Watercourse
Floods and Water Guide - Text - Driving through water

Driving through flood water

Driving through flood water can be extremely dangerous. It's impossible to see how deep the water is and whether there are any submerged hazards that could damage your car or leave you stranded.

If you are caught ignoring road closure signs to drive through flood water, you will be prosecuted by the police.

Steps you can take

Keep reading this guide to learn more about the steps you should consider before, during and after flooding, to help manage risk and stay safe.

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