General election 2024

Everything you need to know about the 2024 general election and voter information

UK Parliamentary General Election

A UK Parliamentary General Election will be held on 4 July 2024, when Rutland electors, as part of the new Rutland and Stamford Constituency will go to the poll to elect a Member of Parliament for the constituency.

Rutland County Council is lead authority for the Rutland and Stamford Parliamentary Constituency, which covers the whole of Rutland, as well as parts of Harborough and South Kesteven:


Voting method

Voting in these elections will use the First Past the Post voting method. Voters in the constituency will be able to vote in person at their polling station or they can use an absent vote (postal or proxy) details of which are shown below.

You must have a valid form of photo ID or Voter Authority Certificate to be able to vote in person at a polling station.

The deadline to apply for a Voter Authority Certificate for the general election has now passed. Information about which forms of identification are valid for voting can be found on the Electoral Commission website.

Postal and postal proxy voting

To vote by post, you must be registered to vote first, then you can apply for a postal vote. We must have received your postal vote application by 5pm on 19 June 2024.

If your proxy wants to vote by post, you must appoint them (see below) before they can apply to vote by post - make sure you leave enough time for this. The deadline for them to apply for a postal vote is 5pm on 19 June 2024. They will need to contact the electoral services team using the details below for more details, and to request an appropriate application form.

The first run of postal votes will be sent out on or around 20 June 2024 and for those applying for a postal vote after 4 June 2024 a second run of postal votes will be sent out on or around 24 June 2024.

If you are too late to send via Royal Mail you can also deliver yours and up to five other postal vote(s) by hand to:

  • our Catmose offices, during normal office hours (8:45am to 4:30pm) up to and including polling day (4 July 2024) – please note you can no longer simply post your postal vote through a council letter box or leave it at reception. For a postal vote to be accepted you will need to ensure you speak to an authorised person in our reception area and complete a form. More details about the revised regulations can be found on the Electoral Commission website
  • the polling station, on polling day (4 July 2024 - 7am to 10pm), where you will be required to complete a form with the Presiding Officer for your postal vote to be accepted

Please be aware that any postal votes delivered that are not accompanied by the required form must be rejected.

From 28 June 2024, you can email elections@rutland.gov.uk if your postal vote:

  • is lost
  • is damaged - you'll need to return your damaged postal vote and bring proof of your identity to collect the replacement
  • has been stolen
  • has not arrived

To cancel your postal vote, email elections@rutland.gov.uk or call our elections team on 01572 720954 by 5pm on 19 June 2024. If you do not cancel your postal vote by this date, you will not be able to vote at your polling station.

Proxy voting

To vote by proxy, we must receive your application by 5pm on 26 June 2024.

To change or cancel your proxy, you must have emailed elections@rutland.gov.uk or called our elections team on 01572 720954 by 5pm on 19 June 2024. If you do not change or cancel your proxy vote by this date, your proxy will not be able to vote on your behalf at a polling station.

Polling stations

Find your polling station.

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