Electoral Register

Annual canvass

We have a legal requirement to keep the Electoral Register up to date.

From July to December, we contact every household in Rutland to find out if the details on the register are correct. This is called the annual canvass.

The information you provide helps us to identify who's not registered to vote, so we can invite them to register

The canvass also gives you the chance to make sure you're able to vote in future elections. If you've recently moved, it's important to keep an eye out for the canvass form and check your details.

Responding to the canvass

Before we send emails or letters to Rutland households, we run a data match with the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP).

The involves checking the information we hold about electors on our register against data held by the DWP.

If the data matches

We email all electors living in your home (if we have an email address), asking you to check if the information we hold is correct. 

We send the email from our secure email address (rutland.county.council@notifications.service.gov.uk) on or around 2 August. Just one elector from your household needs to respond. 

You should respond electronically, using the security codes we email you and your postcode.

If we do not have your email address or we do not receive a response to our email, we send you a paper form on or around 2 September (Canvass Communication A) that lists the names of anyone registered to vote at your address. 

If the information is correct, you do not need to respond. If changes need to be made, you can find instructions on how to respond on the form.

If the data doesn't match completely

We're not allowed to email partially matched electors at this stage. We must send communications to your home.

This will start in early August, with the Canvass Communication B forms being sent out on or around 9 August.

You're legally required to respond to this form - you can find information on how to respond on the form. The easiest and most cost effective way to respond is online, using the security codes on the form.

If we do not get a response, we are legally required to contact you again. This time, we are allowed to email partially matched electors. If we do not get a response to the email, we must send another written communication - a Canvass Form. We are also required to try to make personal contact with you - this could be a telephone call or a home visit. 

It is important that you respond as soon as you can as this will prevent the requirement to send unnecessary reminders or pay a personal visit to get the information.

If someone you live with isn't registered to vote

If someone you live with isn't registered to vote, their name will not appear on the canvass form. You must add them in your response. We will then send them an invitation to register. 

They can register to vote online, which means we won't have to send out a paper form.

More information

If you have any questions about the annual canvass, please email: elections@rutland.gov.uk or call our Elections Team on: 01572 722 577.