The Schools Forum is a consultative and decision making group.
The Forum advises us, as set out in the Schools Forum (England) Regulations 2012.
The Forum will be consulted on:
- amendments to the schools funding formula
- arrangements for the education of pupils with special educational needs
- arrangements for the education of children otherwise than at school
- arrangements for early years provision
- administrative arrangements for the allocation of central government grants paid to schools via the local authority
- contracts proposed for supplies and services to be funded from the Schools Budget
- special places to be commissioned by the authority in different institutions, and the arrangements for paying top-up funding
- alternative provision places to be commissioned by the authority or by schools and the arrangements for paying top-up funding
The Forum must also be consulted on any proposals to:
- vary the minimum funding guarantee (MFG)
- use exceptional factors
- vary pupil numbers
- allow additional categories of, or spending on, central budgets
- amend the sparsity factor
- vary the lump sum for amalgamating schools
- vary the protection for special schools and special academies
Schools Forum - link document - Rutland Schools Forum Constitution
Schools Forum - link document - Schools Forum Powers and Responsibilities
Schools Forum - link document - Schools Forum Operational and Good Practice Guide