Early education and childcare funding

Funding information for childcare providers

Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP)

All early years providers who provide early years entitlement provision to children eligible for Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP) are eligible to receive this additional funding

The purpose of EYPP is to improve the educational outcomes of eligible children.

Children and eligible for this funding if they me at least one of the criteria:

  • the family receives one of the qualifying benefits
  • they've been in local authority care for one day or more
  • they've been adopted from care in England or Wales
  • they've left care under a special guardianship order or residence order in England and Wales.

From September 2024, as with the entitlements for children aged 9 months up to 4 years, EYPP becomes payable from the beginning of the term after an eligible child turns 9 months old, or the beginning of the term following their second or third birthday.

Funding is paid at a national rate of 68p per hour. For example, a child attending their full 15 hours funded place would get £387.60 EYPP per year.

Four year olds in primary school reception classes who already receive the school-age pupil premium are not eligible for EYPP funding.

The Department for Education fund local authorities for the funded places taken up in the local authority in which a setting is based. Therefore, in cases where a child who lives in one local authority attends a setting in another local authority, funding for EYPP for the child is the responsibility of the local authority in which the setting is based.

Telling parents about EYPP funding

Providers must speak with parents/carers to find out if they may be eligible for EYPP funding. Parents/carers must sign the Rutland parent declaration prior to carrying out an EYPP eligibility check.

How to spend the funding

It's important that you can demonstrate the EYPP funding is making a difference. This is also something Ofsted will ask you about during inspections.

Some ideas and suggestions to help you plan the most effective use of EYPP funding:

Provider funding complaints and appeals procedure

This complaint or appeals procedure is designed to support those providers who are delivering the Funded Early Education Entitlement.

The procedure relates to issues concerning the Local Authority’s (LA) administration or withdrawal of the Funded Early Education Entitlement.

Providers who are not satisfied with the way in which the funding has been administered have a right to express their concern in writing to:

Head of Service for Learning and Skills
Rutland County Council
Catmose House
Catmos Street
Rutland LE15 6HP

Upon receipt of your complaint or appeal we will:

  • allocate an investigating officer and send an acknowledgement of the complaint or appeal received within 72 hours or three working days
  • aim to resolve your complaint or appeal within 10 working days, providing a full account of our findings and any actions resulting from the investigation
  • inform and update providers where this timescale cannot be met

We will consider complaints or appeals in line with the statutory and local guidance and the terms and conditions identified in the Provider Agreement. If following the outcome of the investigation providers have continued concerns these must be raised through our compliments, comments and complaints procedure.
