Disabled band reduction scheme
If you or someone you live with needs an extra room because of their disability, you may qualify for a Council Tax reduction though the disabled band reduction scheme.
You may qualify if your home is the main home of someone with a permanent and substantial disability, and your home has at least one of these features:
- an additional bathroom or kitchen which is needed by the disabled person
- a room (other than a bathroom, kitchen or toilet) that's needed for and mainly used by the disabled person
- enough space for the disabled person to use their wheelchair indoors
The extra room does not need to have been specially built - it can be an existing room. It must be of major importance to the disabled person's wellbeing and additional to what a person without a disability would need.
If you qualify, we'll reduce your Council Tax bill by one band. For example - if you live in a band C property and qualify for a disabled band reduction, you will pay the band B rate of Council Tax.
If you live in a band A property (the lowest band), your reduction will be worked out as one ninth of a band D property.
How to apply
Complete the application form and email to localtaxation@rutland.gov.uk or post to: Local Taxation, Rutland County Council, Catmose, Oakham, Rutland LE15 6HP.
We'll contact you when we receive your application.
We may need to visit your home to help us decide if you qualify.