Consultation on proposed modifications to Uppingham Neighbourhood Plan
People are being invited to give feedback on proposed modifications to Uppingham’s emerging Neighbourhood Plan

People are being invited to give feedback on proposed modifications to Uppingham’s emerging Neighbourhood Plan, after further evidence was required by an independent examiner.
Uppingham Town Council has produced additional evidence to support its Regulation 16 Draft Neighbourhood Plan, which had previously been submitted for examination by an independent examiner. The Plan Area covers the whole Parish of Uppingham and a small part of Ayston Parish, adjacent to and south of the
This additional consultation is taking place in response to modifications that have been proposed following a public hearing held in April 2024. Additional evidence documents prepared by Uppingham Town Council are now available to view on the Neighbourhood Plans areas of our website.
Hard copies of these documents are also available for inspection at the following locations:
- Rutland County Council Offices, Catmose, Oakham, Rutland, LE15 6HP
- Uppingham Town Hall, 49 High Street East, Uppingham, Rutland, LE15 9PY
- Uppingham Library, Queen Street, Uppingham, Rutland, LE15 9QR
Any representations on post-hearing proposed modifications must be made to Rutland County Council before 4.00pm on Monday 10 March 2025.
Representations can only be accepted if they relate to the post-hearing proposed modifications. Copies of the Uppingham Neighbourhood Plan are also available to view but only for reference.
Representations can be submitted by emailing: or writing to:
Planning Policy
Rutland County Council
LE15 6HP
All representations received by Rutland County Council during the six-week consultation period will be passed to the independent examiner to continue their examination of the Neighbourhood Plan.
All comments received will be published on Rutland County Council’s website as part of the examination process, excluding any personal contact details.
For enquiries, please email: or call: 01572 722 577.