Leicestershire Police issued over 1100 letters of caution across the 7 Community Speed Watch Schemes that were part of the 2024 programme.
This effective and successful initiative co-ordinated by Rutland County Council provides local volunteers with the training and equipment they need to monitor traffic, record and submit details of vehicles that are driven above local speed limits.
“We are incredibly grateful to the local community speed watch volunteers for all their hard work, however the marked increase in the number of warning letters sent out to speeding drivers across Rutland this year is unacceptable.
“Excessive speeds not only increase the risk of death and serious injuries to innocent road users, but they are also a blight on our rural communities effecting the quality of life for local residents.”
Jonathan Clarkson, Leicester, Leicestershire, and Rutland Road Safety Partnership spokesperson
With support from Leicestershire Police, warning letters are sent to registered keepers, advising them of their speed violation and reminding them of why it is a community concern, along with advice to help change their driving behaviours.
The 2024 Community Speed Watch activity was a larger scheme than previous years, running across Essendine & Ryhall, Oakham, Preston, Manton, Empingham, Ketton and Lyddington.
The safety of roads is a priority for both Rutland County Council and Leicestershire Police and is a matter of concern for residents. The number of letters sent has increased from 2023, a particular concern as more populated areas were covered in this year’s scheme, such as Oakham.
The Leicestershire Road safety partnership will be increasing police presence on roads in Rutland to combat speeding and dangerous driving over the coming weeks.
"The safety of our roads is a major priority for both Rutland County Council and Leicestershire Police as well as a matter of concern for local residents. While there has been an increase in the number of letters sent from the number in 2023, it is important to note that more areas were covered in this year’s scheme. As always we are very proud of our Parish volunteers and partners who have taken part in this project and we would like to praise them for what has been another productive year.”
Councillor Christine Wise, Portfolio Holder for Transport, Environment and Communities
Rutland’s Community Speed Watch Scheme is a joint initiative between local communities and the following partner organisations for the Safer Rutland Partnership
• Leicestershire Police
• Leicester, Leicestershire, and Rutland Road Safety Partnership
• Rutland County Council
Rutland communities are invited to make contact if they would like to know more about the community scheme or be considered for future schemes during 2025 by the deadline of Monday 20 January. For more information, please contact the Rutland County Council’s transport team by emailing: transport@rutland.gov.uk.