Public consultation for Council Tax Reduction Scheme
We've opened up a consultation on proposed changes to our Council Tax Reduction Scheme. Take part before Wednesday 20th November.

Following agreement from Cabinet on Tuesday 10 September to consult on the proposed changes to the Council’s Council Tax Reduction Scheme, Rutland County Council has opened a consultation from 11 September 2024 to 20 November 2024.
Council Tax Reduction is financial help towards paying Council Tax. You can claim Council Tax Reduction if you are already claiming other benefits such as Universal Credit. You may also claim it if you are working but on a low income.
The council is proposing to adopt a banded income scheme from 1 April 2025. No changes will be made in relation to pensioners within the support scheme and the council will continue to support care leavers up to their 25th birthday under the scheme.
The key benefits of adopting a banded income scheme would include:
- an online application form. This will allow households to apply quickly, and it will be easier to complete
- households will be able to work out their level of support by looking at a simple banding rates table - this removes the complexity of the current scheme
- there would be fewer changes to instalments throughout the year, enabling households to budget better as their instalments would not change as frequently as they do now
- the council may be able to make savings as the scheme will be less time-consuming to administer
These changes also take into consideration factors such as the number of adults residing in the property (other than your partner), savings, self-employed income, number of dependents etc to ensure that the scheme is benefiting those that need it the most.
Update 21 Nov 2024 - the consultation has now closed.