What you need to know about voting by post and in person this general election
Return your postal vote as soon as possible to ensure they reach us in time for the poll. Also check how to properly hand deliver postal votes.

Residents in the Rutland and Stamford constituency are being urged to return their postal votes as soon as possible to ensure their votes reach Rutland County Council in time for the poll.
Royal Mail have post boxes around the county which offer later collection times, details of which can be found on the Royal Mail website.
If you decide to return your postal vote by hand please be reminded that all postal votes for the Rutland and Stamford Constituency must be delivered to Rutland County Council’s offices in Oakham, regardless of whether voters live in Rutland, Harborough or South Kesteven.
Also, if delivering postal votes by hand there will be a form that must be completed. If this form is not completed in full, more than the permitted number of postal votes are handed in, or you are a political campaigner not permitted to handle postal votes, your postal vote(s) will be rejected. It is therefore important anyone delivering to our Catmose office should do this via Customer Services to ensure that a form is completed correctly. Do not put any postal votes directly in the council office letterbox – any that are put through the council office letterbox will be invalid and therefore not counted as part of the election.
The other option is to return to a polling station in the constituency between 7.00am and 10.00pm on the day of the election (Thursday 4 July). Please be aware that if you hand deliver postal votes to your polling station or Rutland County Council offices, due to legislation changes, there are now limits on how many postal votes you can deliver. You may now only hand in your own and those of up to 5 other electors per poll.
For any voters using polling stations to vote in person – please ensure you bring photo ID to the polling station. A list of accepted forms of ID is available on the Electoral Commission’s website. Those that do not have eligible ID can apply for free voter ID before 5pm on 26 June.