Equality, diversity and inclusion

Find out how we are committed to reflecting the communities we serve in our equality, diversity and inclusion statement

A county for everyone

We are committed to creating a County where diversity is celebrated and where everyone has the opportunity to live well, be heard and overcome any challenges they may face.

Our equality, diversity and inclusion objectives are outlined within our Corporate Strategy and supported by our Equality Diversity and Inclusion Statement.

Our commitments have been been informed by how residents see a Future Rutland:

  • Rutland will have resilient and well -connected communities where everyone can enjoy what the county has to offer
  • young people of all abilities will have the benefit of a positive and inclusive education, so that they can learn, do well and realise their ambitions
  • Rutland will be a county where everyone can reach their full potential
  • Rutland’s towns and villages will be accessible to everyone, regardless of age or disability
  • Rutland will be a county where no group or individual is marginalised or ignored
  • vulnerable people, whatever their age or circumstances, will continue to be supported and protected in Rutland
  • Rutland will be a place where inequalities are reduced and communities are tolerant and welcoming
  • Rutland will remain one of the safest places to live anywhere in the country

These commitments are monitored and reviewed through our Performance Framework.

Equality, diversity and inclusion - accordion

Our equality, diversity and inclusion statement


  • equality is about ensuring everybody has an equal opportunity, and is not treated differently or discriminated against because of their characteristics
  • diversity is about taking account of the differences between people and groups of people, and placing a positive value on those differences
  • inclusion is about organisational effort and practices in which groups or individuals with different characteristics and backgrounds are culturally accepted and welcomed, creating a sense of belonging

Our commitment

We are wholly committed to equality, diversity and inclusion, reflecting the communities we serve, and we will do all we can to ensure we continue to be at the forefront of confronting racism and discrimination in whatever form it shows itself.

We want to ensure that customers who access our services, job seekers and employees are treated fairly and without unlawful discrimination. We promote a culture where people of all backgrounds and experiences are respected and valued. We will work with its partners in sharing good practice and combating discrimination across Rutland.

We are committed to providing access to services to all citizens, regardless of:

  • age, disability
  • gender reassignment
  • marriage and civil partnership
  • pregnancy and maternity
  • race
  • religion or belief
  • sex
  • sexual orientation

As an employer, we will build an inclusive environment where people’s differences are valued, and where all colleagues are able to be themselves at work and feel supported, empowered, valued, and respected, and able to reach their full potential.

As a Council we are committed to ensuring we have an anti-racist environment where there is zero tolerance for racist comments and behaviour.

We are opposed to all forms of unlawful and unfair discrimination, including harassment of any kind. We will take appropriate action wherever instances of discrimination and harassment occur, in the delivery of services and in the course of employment. We will fulfil our legal obligations under the Equality Act 2010 and the associated Public Sector Equality Duty by giving due regard to the need to:

(a) Eliminate discrimination, harassment, victimisation and any other conduct that is prohibited by or under the Equality Act 2010

(b) Advance equality of opportunity between persons who share a relevant protected characteristic and persons who do not share it

(c) Foster good relations between persons who share a relevant protected characteristic and persons who do not share it

This will include removing and/or minimising disadvantages, taking steps to meet the needs of different people and encouraging people from protected groups to participate in society.

Everyone who is a part of Rutland County Council has a personal responsibility for implementing and promoting the commitments made in this statement in their day to day dealings with people - customers, colleagues and our partners. Inappropriate behaviour is not acceptable.

In our service delivery

We will ensure that services are provided fairly and without discrimination. We will:

  • treat people fairly and with respect
  • make reasonable adjustments so that our services are accessible to everyone who needs them
  • recognise cultural and language needs and provide services appropriate to these needs
  • act against any discriminatory practices, including taking complaints seriously. Service users who feel they have been unfairly treated have the right to use the Council’s complaints procedure
  • promote equality and diversity with our partners and suppliers. Contract documents will contain terms requiring contractors to comply with their statutory equality obligations and the Council’s equalities policies and practices
  • carry out Equality Impact Assessment (EIA) screening at the start of the development process for any new policy or service. If screening identifies a potential impact, a full EIA will be carried out and any adverse impact will be addressed
  • utilise equality data to monitor the impact of our services and inform future changes

As an employer

Diverse organisations perform better, have higher employee satisfaction, and are more innovative. Rutland County Council is committed to creating a diverse and inclusive workforce, where everyone is able to achieve their full potential. We will:

  • treat people fairly and with respect
  • promote an environment free from discrimination, bullying and harassment and take prompt action where such unacceptable behaviour exists
  • commit to asking people about their experience of working at Rutland, and carefully listen to their responses and take action as necessary. We will embrace the discomfort that comes with examination of the white privilege most of us benefit from, and create brave spaces for challenge and accountability
  • recognise, value and respect each other’s differences
  • make decisions on recruitment, selection, training, promotion and career management solely on objective and job-related criteria
  • ensure equal and fair employment policies and practices for existing and potential future employees and volunteers
  • provide appropriate learning and development to support equality diversity and inclusion
  • encourage employees to speak up about any alleged unlawful or unfair discriminatory acts or practices
  • monitor the workforce and job applicants by age, disability, race, religion and belief, sex and sexual orientation, and publish the results

Equality, diversity, inclusion data and key objectives


Understanding and serving our communities – to collect, share, analyse and use data and information to better serve our communities:

  • As census data becomes available, we will provide key data to illustrate the demographics of Rutland.
  • We will create a set of data standards for equalities reporting that will allow us to benchmark against the census data.
  • We will review how our existing system can be development to capture and illustrate data about our customers, in accordance with data protection legislation, including those customers with protected characteristics.
  • We will use this data set to help guide what data we collect from service users with protected characteristics. This data will educate us on the communities we serve and shape our activities to ensure we mitigate any detrimental impact for people of these groups.
  • Download our latest equality, diversity and inclusion data

Gender Pay Gap Data

We are required by law to publish Gender Pay Gap data.

The Gender Pay Gap is the difference between the pay of men and women who work for us.

This is measured in two ways:

  1. Median hourly pay
  2. Mean (average) hourly pay

Where men are paid more than women, the pay gap is shown as a ‘positive’ percentage figure. Negative pay gaps are represented as minus percentage figures.

For reporting purposes, the term ‘pay’ includes basic pay, allowances, shift premium pay and paid leave (including annual leave, sick leave, maternity, paternity, adoption and parental leave).

Our staff don’t receive bonus payments. ‘Pay’ does not include overtime pay, expenses, redundancy payments and tax credits.