Scrutiny in local government is an essential part of a councillor's role as a representative of the people.
The main purposes of scrutiny are to:
- hold Cabinet and committees to account
- review and develop policies
- investigate specific issues
- carry out service and best value reviews
- provide a way of consulting with the community, service users, service providers and other interested stakeholders
- act as expert witnesses on services
- scrutinise external bodies that provide services or affect the community
- monitor the performance of the Council's services
Download our Guide to Overview and Scrutiny
Download our Process for Assessing a Proposal for Scrutiny
Scrutiny in Rutland
We've appointed the Strategic Overview and Scrutiny Committee to discharge functions conferred by Section 21 of the Local Government Act 2000 or any regulations made under Section 32 of the Local Government Act 2000.
The Committee will:
- review and scrutinise decisions or actions taken in connection with the discharge of Council functions
- review, develop or propose Council policies
- make reports and recommendations to full Council, Cabinet and/or any policy, joint or area committee
- consider matters affecting the county and Rutland residents
- exercise the right to call-in decisions made but not yet implemented by Cabinet or any joint or area committees for reconsideration
- discuss initiatives put forward by individual members of the committee and any relevant 'call-for-action' in accordance with the Scrutiny Procedure Rules set out in Part 4 of our Constitution
- consider petitions referred to the Committee in accordance with the Petition Scheme set out in Part 5 of our Constitution
- follow up on recommendations and reports
You can find out more in parts 2, 3 and 4 on our Council Constitution page.
Find Strategic Overview and Scrutiny Committee meeting dates, agendas and minutes
Download the Annual Scrutiny Report 2022-23