Local bus routes and timetables
See routes and timetables for local bus services in Rutland.
If you choose to pay by Direct Debit your payment will be taken on the first of each month.
If you're the bank account holder and the bill you want to pay is in your name, you can set up a Direct Debit online or print off the Direct Debit mandate and return to:
Local Taxation
Rutland County Council
LE15 6HP
You do not have to complete a new form every year. The Direct Debit Guarantee governs all payments.
We'll send you a business rates bill that sets out your full instalment plan at least 14 days before your first instalment is due.
You'll need your reference number (as printed on your bill or invoice) and your card details.
Call our customer services team on 01572 722 577.
You'll need your reference number (as printed on your bill or invoice) and your card details.
Once your card issuer has approved your payment, it will be processed within three working days.
You must remember to quote your reference number (as printed on your bill or invoice).
Our bank details are:
Lloyds Bank
Sort Code: 30-64-10
Account: 37780460
Business rates are usually paid over 10 monthly instalments, from April to January.
You can choose to pay in 12 monthly instalments from April to March, instead. If you'd like to do this, email localtaxation@rutland.gov.uk.
If you receive your bill later in the year, you may be given fewer instalments, to reflect the remaining months left in the financial year.