Bus timetables and travel

Local bus timetables and the latest travel advice

For bus fares, travel promotions and discounted tickets, contact the bus operators direct or visit their website - you can find operator details in the 'If you need help to plan your journey / how to contact your bus operator' section on this page.

Bus timetables and travel advice

BusTimes booklet

BT32 timetable booklet is available here.

You can get a paper copy from:

You can also ask us to send you a copy - email transport@rutland.gov.uk or call 01575 758138.

Bus services by town / village

Town / Village Bus Services
Ashwell R1, R29
Barleythorpe R1R4184185
Barrow R2, 184
Barrowden R2, R5, ConnectBus
Belmesthorpe 183, ConnectBus
Belton 747
Burley R2, 185
Caldecott R1
Clipsham 183, ConnectBus
Cottesmore R2184, 185, ConnectBus
Edith Weston R5, ConnectBus
Empingham 184185185 & CC9 comboConnectBus
Essendine CC429183, 201 & 202
Exton R2, 184, ConnectBus
Glaston R4, R5, ConnectBus
Great Casterton 182183, 184, 185, 185 & CC9 combo, ConnectBus
Greetham R2, R29, 184, 185, ConnectBus
Gunthorpe R1
Ketton R5, ConnectBus
Langham R1, R4, 29, 184, 185
Lyddington R1
Lyndon ConnectBus
Manton R1, R4
Market Overton R2, 184
Morcott R4, R5, ConnectBus
Normanton ConnectBus
North Luffenham R5, ConnectBus
Oakham Hopper, R1, R2, R4, R9, 185 & CC9 combo, R29, 184, 185 
Pickworth ConnectBus
Pilton ConnectBus
Preston R1, R4
Ryhall CC4, 29, 183, 201 & 202, ConnectBus
Seaton ConnectBus
South Luffenham R4, R5 ConnectBus
Stretton 183, 184, ConnectBus
Tinwell R5, ConnectBus
Tixover ConnectBus
Uppingham R1, R4, R5, 747
Whissendine R1, R4, 29, 184, 185
Whitwell R9, 185 & CC9 combo, 185, ConnectBus
Wing R1, ConnectBus

If you need help to plan your journey / how to contact your bus operator

If you need help to plan your journey or information about local, regional and national services, visit the Traveline website.

For information about current local bus services, fares, special tickets, lost property and how to complain, contact your bus operator:

For any other transport enquiries, contact our transport team: 

Call: 01572 722577 

Email: transport@rutand.gov.uk 

Passenger Charter

We are your Local Transport Authority. We work to co-ordinate and improve all public transport within Rutland's borders.

All bus service operators running within Rutland have adopted this passenger charter.

The charter does not affect your legal rights.

All our bus passengers can expect:

  • your bus will normally arrive at your starting point within five minutes for the scheduled time
  • your driver will keep you informed if your bus is seriously delayed
  • you can expect at least 99% of journeys to be operated each week, unless there are exceptional circumstances beyond the operator's control
  • a clean bus - your vehicle will be cleaned internally and externally at least once every day
  • a friendly and helpful driver
  • CCTV in operation on an increasing number of buses, for your security
  • a range of value for money tickets and passes that are easy to understand and purchase
  • a network of bus routes connecting local towns and villages
  • travel information at every bus stop, to help you with journey planning
  • timetables, fares and service update information available online
  • timetable changes at set intervals throughout the year publicised in advance
  • a space on every buy (on 30-plus seat vehicles) large enough to take one wheelchair or two buggies, with 29 and fewer seat vehicles required to take either a wheelchair or buggy

Find out how we perform against our operational targets

Customer feedback and queries

If you feel we've not met your expectations, please let us know. We welcome comments and suggestions, as well as complaints. We will respond to complaints with ten working days.

You can complain directly to us or to your bus operator, in writing. You can find information on how to complain to your bus operator on their website.

If you're unhappy with the bus operator's response, you can contact Bus Users UK - the only dispute resolution body for bus and coach services.

You can also email them: complaints@bususers.org, call 0300 111 0001 or write to: Bus Users UK, 22 Greencoat Place, London SW1P 1PR

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