Waste and recycling A to Z

Use our handy A to Z to find out what items to put in each bin

If you are unsure about which bin to use for certain items, click on the letter for that item and follow the instructions provided.

Bins, waste and recycling - Accordion - Waste and recycling A to Z



Where it goes

Aerosols Grey bin, as long as they're empty
Aluminium foil Grey bin if clean, black bin if not
Animal and pet waste Black bin
Armchairs Upholstered seating like sofas, armchairs and padded chairs can be taken to a household waste and recycling centre. Please try to bring these items on their own and not as part of a mixed load with other recyclables
Asbestos We don't handle materials that contain asbestos - contact a specialist asbestos disposal company
Ash When the ash is cool, bag it and put in your black bin



Where it goes

Baby wipes Black bin
Baking trays Reusable trays can go to a charity shop. If not reusable, you can take them to a household waste and recycling centre
Batteries (car) You can take car batteries to a household waste and recycling centre
Batteries (household) You can find battery recycling points at our household waste and recycling centres and in local shops / supermarkets
Bicycles You can take bicycles to a household waste and recycling centre
Biscuit tins (metal or plastic) Grey bin
Black plastic packaging Black bin
Blister packs for pills Black bin
Books Charity shop, black bin or a household waste and recycling centre
Bottles (glass and plastic) If empty, clean and rinsed dry - grey bin
Branches Green bin, if you subscribe - you'll need to break large branches so they fit in the bin
Bread bags Grey bin
Brown paper Grey bin
Bubble wrap Black bin, if you have no space to store 



Where it goes

Cable ties Black bin
Cans If empty, clean and rinsed - in your grey bin
Cardboard and corrugated boxes Grey bin - make sure you break them up so they fit in the bin
Cardboard tubes Grey bin
Carpet (rolled into 6ft lengths) Household waste and recycling centres
Cat litter Black bin
Catalogues Grey bin
CDs and DVDs Charity shop or media bank if reusable, black bin or a household waste and recycling centre if not
Ceramics Charity shop, if not reusable small quantities can go in your black bin
Cereal boxes Grey bin, if the box is empty
Chocolate advent calendars Grey bin - both the cardboard and inners
Chocolate plastic and tin boxes Grey bin
Christmas cards Grey bin - but if they have lots of glitter on, they'll need to go in your black bin
Cling film Black bin
Clinical waste Email us to arrange a sharps and clinical waste collection: environment@rutland.gov.uk
Clothes and shoes Charity shop or clothing bank if the clothes are reusable, household waste and recycling centre or black bin (small quantities) if not
Coat hangers If you can't pass them on for someone else to use, plastic or metal hangers can go in your black bin or to a household waste and recycling centre
Coffee pods Grey bin, as long as the pods are empty
Compostable packaging This doesn't break down quick enough to go to our composting sites - if you don't have a home compost bin, this packaging can go in your black bin
Corks Black bin
Cotton buds Black bin
Crisp packets Find a local Terracycle drop off point to recycle crisp packets. If not, these go in your black bin
Crockery Charity shop if reusable, if not they go in your black bin (small quantities only) or to a household waste and recycling centre
Cutlery Charity shop if reusable, if not they go in your black bin or a household waste and recycling centre



Where it goes

Disposable razors Black bin
Dog food pouches Black bin
Drinks cartons Fully empty paper-based cartons (like the ones used for juice and milk) can go in your grey bin
DVDs Charity shop or media bank if reusable, black bin if not



Where it goes

Egg boxes Grey bin
Electrical items including chargers and leads You can take reusable items to some charity shops. If broken, you can take to a household waste and recycling centre 
Engine oil Take to a household waste and recycling centre
Envelopes Grey bin (including window envelopes)



Where it goes

Flowers You can put old flowers in your green bin. You can put very small amounts of cut flowers in your black bin, if you don't subscribe to have your green bin collected
Flower / plant pots If the pots can't be reused, put them in your black bin or take to a household waste and recycling centre
Fluorescent tubes Household waste and recycling centres
Foil If clean and dry, this can go in your grey bin. If it's dirty, put it in your black bin
Food Try composting at home or visit Love Food Hate Waste to make the most of your food. Anything leftover should be bagged up and put in your black bin
Food nets Black bin
Food tins If clean and dry, your grey bin or a household waste and recycling centre
Fridges, freezers and other white goods Household waste and recycling centres
Furniture Upholstered seating like sofas, armchairs and padded chairs can be taken to a household waste and recycling centre. Please try to bring these items on their own and not as part of a mixed load with other recyclables



Where it goes

Garden waste Green bin, if you subscribe to have your green bin collected. You can take to a household waste and recycling centre if not. No garden waste can go in your black bin.
Gas bottles You can often return gas bottles to the supplier. If not, you can take some gas bottles to a household waste and recycling centre. We don't accept gas bottles that are classed as commercial/trade waste including Smartwhip/nitrous oxide cylinders and R134a refrigerant gas canisters - you will need to contact the supplier for information on how to dispose of these
Glass Household waste and recycling centres
Glass bottles and jars Grey bin, if they are empty, clean and rinsed dry
Greeting cards Grey bin, unless the card is covered in glitter
Gift wrap Grey bin, unless the paper is covered in glitter
Grass cuttings Green bin, if you subscribe to have your green bin collected. You can take to a household waste and recycling centre if not. No garden waste can go in your black bin.
Greaseproof paper Black bin



Where it goes

Hardcore and rubble (non-commercial) Household waste and recycling centres
Hard plastics Items like old toys or buckets can be taken to a household waste and recycling centre. Small items in small quantities can go in your black bin
Hedge trimmings Green bin, if you subscribe to have your green bin collected. You can take to a household waste and recycling centre if not. No garden waste can go in your black bin.
Hay and straw Small quantities of animal bedding can go in your black bin
Hoover bags Black bin
Household and garden chemicals Household waste and recycling centres



Where it goes

Ice cream tubs Grey bin, if the tub is empty, clean and dry
Incontinence pads They should be securely bagged and put in your black bin. If you produce large amounts of incontinence waste, we can give you an extra bin.



Where it goes

Jars and lids Grey bin, if they're empty, clean and dry
Jiffy bags and envelopes  Black bin, if you can't save and reuse them
Juice cartons Grey bin, if they're empty, clean and dry
Junk mail Grey bin - please separate and plastic packaging first (this can also go in your grey bin)



Where it goes

Kitchen towel Black bin
Knives Black bin, or take to a household waste and recycling centre



Where it goes

Leaves Green bin, if you subscribe to have your green bin collected.You can take to a household waste and recycling centre if not. No garden waste can go in your black bin
Leftover food  Try composting at home or visit Love Food Hate Waste to make the most of your food. Anything leftover should be bagged up and put in your black bin
Lids from bottles Grey bin - both plastic and metal lids
Lightbulbs You can take to a household waste and recycling centre or bag and put in your black bin



Where it goes

Magazines Grey bin
Margarine tubs Grey bin, if the tub is empty, clean and dry 
Mattresses Household waste and recycling centres
Meat trays Grey bin, if the tray is empty, clean and dry. Remember - no black plastics in your grey bin, please 
Mirrors You can take to a household waste and recycling centre



Where it goes

Nappies Any disposable nappies need to be securely bagged and put in your black bin
Netting Black bin
Newspapers Grey bin
Non-recyclable household waste Household waste and recycling centres
Nutshells Black bin



Where it goes

Office chairs Upholstered seating like sofas, armchairs and padded chairs can be taken to a household waste and recycling centre. Please try to bring these items on their own and not as part of a mixed load with other recyclables
Office paper  Grey bin
Ornaments Charity shop if reusable, a household waste and recycling centre or black bin if not 



Where it goes

Paint pots You can take full or empty paint pots to a household waste and recycling centre. Please don't put paint in any of your bins 
Paper Grey bin
Party poppers  Black bin
Pet food pouches  Black bin
Phone directories  Grey bin 
Plasterboard Household waste and recycling centres
Plastic carrier bags  You can reuse bags or put them in your grey bin 
Plastic bottles Grey bin, if they are empty, clean and dry
Plastic film Grey bin, if clean and dry 
Plastic packaging Grey bin, if the packaging is empty, clean and dry. Remember - please don't put any black packaging in your grey bin 
Plastics Household waste and recycling centres
Plate glass You can take to a household waste and recycling centre
Polystyrene Black bin
Printer cartridges Charities sometimes collect used printer cartridges, or put you can take to a household waste and recycling centre
Pyrex Charity shop if reusable. If not, take to a household waste and recycling centre or put in your black bin


There are no items beginning with 'Q' in this guide



Where it goes

Razor blades  Black bin
Ring binders Black bin



Where it goes

Sanitary products  All sanitary products should be securely bagged and put in your black bin 
Saucepans Charity shop if reusable. If not, take to a household waste and recycling centre or put in your black bin 
Satsuma peel If you don't have a home compost bin, put in your black bin
Scrap metal Household waste and recycling centres
Sellotape Black bin
Shoes Charity shop or clothing bank, if the shoes are reusable. If not, they can go in your black bin or to a household waste and recycling centre
Shredded paper Grey bin - please don't bag shredded paper up, put it in your bin loose and make sure it's weighted down by heavier items
Sofas Upholstered seating like sofas, armchairs and padded chairs can be taken to a household waste and recycling centre. Please try to bring these items on their own and not as part of a mixed load with other recyclables
Soil and rubble  Take to a household waste and recycling centre - please don't put soil or rubble in any of your bins
Sponges Black bin
Straw You can bag small amounts of animal bedding and put in your black bin
String  Black bin
Syringes (sharps)  We can arrange a collection service for sharps and clinical waste - email environment@rutland.gov.uk 



Where it goes

Tablet packets  Put the blister pack in your black bin and the cardboard packet in your grey bin 
Tea bags Black bin
Tetra bags Grey bin, if the pack is empty, clean and dry
Textiles Charity shop or clothing bank if reusable. If not, take to a household waste and recycling centre. Small amounts can go in your black bin 
Tins Grey bin, if the tin is empty, clean and dry
Tinsel Black bin
Tissues Black bin
Toothpaste tubes  Black bin
Toys Charity shop or clothing bank if reusable. If not, take to a household waste and recycling centre. Small amounts can go in your black bin - please don't put in your grey bin 
Trays (plastic food trays, not the reusable kind)  Grey bin, if tray is empty, clean and dry - remember, no black plastics in your grey bin please
Turkey carcass Black bin
Tupperware Charity shop, if reusable. If not, take to a household waste and recycling centre or put in your black bin
TVs, stereos and computers Household waste and recycling centres
Tyres Take to a household waste and recycling centre


There are no items beginning with 'U' in this guide



Where it goes

Videos  Charity shop or media bank if reusable, household waste and recycling centre or black bin if not
Vegetable peelings  If you don't have a home compost bin, put in your black bin 



Where it goes

Wallpaper  Black bin
Washing up bottles  Grey bin, if the bottle is empty, clean and dry
Water filter cartridges  Black bin
Wet wipes Black bin
Wood Take to a household waste and recycling centre. Very small amounts can go in your black bin 
Wrapping paper Most wrapping paper can go in your grey bin. Metallic paper will need to go in your black bin
Whipping cream tubs and lids  Grey bin, if the tub and lid are empty, clean and dry
White goods Household waste and recycling centres


There are no items beginning with 'X' in this guide



Where it goes

Yellow pages  Grey bin
Yoghurt pots Grey bin, if empty, clean and dry


There are no items beginning with 'Z' in this guide