Green waste subscription service

Green waste service FAQs

Answers to some of our most frequently asked questions:

Green waste - accordion - FAQs

Why has the cost increased this year?

We do not make a profit from charging for green waste collections.

The funds received from subscriptions are used to pay for the costs of providing the service.

Prices have been increased inline with current inflation to account for the rises in the cost of:

  • bin collections
  • staffing
  • resources (for example printing, paper, sticker production and postage)
  • investment in collection vehicles

Do I have to subscribe to the green waste service?

No - the service is optional and only for eligible households who have garden waste they'd like to have collected.

Alternative options for disposing of green waste are:

Are there any differences to the renewal process this year?

No - as per previous years, paying in person at the Council offices will not be available. This helps to keep the cost as low as possible.

How will I be able to pay for my subscription?

You can pay by:

  • credit or debit card
  • Direct Debit
  • cheque -  if this is the only option available to you (this may delay your sticker)

You can subscribe and pay online or by calling: 01572 758 488.

You cannot pay by cash or bank transfer.

When can I sign up?

To have your bin collected from 1 April 2024, you need to sign up for the service between Monday 29 January and Sunday 25 February.

You can sign up at any point in the year up until 30 November 2024. If you sign up part way through the service year, you will still need to pay the full annual cost.

Are there any concessions?

There is a discount if someone living in your home receives Local Council Tax Support.

If you think you may be eligible for this concession, use our online contact form or call 01572 758 488 so we can check your eligibility.

No other concessions are available.


What happens if I change my mind after subscribing?

Please let us know within 14 days for a full refund.

After 14 days, the service is deemed to be in full use and refunds can no longer be made.

Can I cancel my subscription part way through the year?

Yes, but no refunds will be given for cancelled subscriptions.

How soon can I start using the service after subscribing?

If you subscribe by 25 February 2024, you can use the service from 1 April.

If you subscribe after 25 February 2024, please allow 10 working days between your payment and your first collection - this allows for your sticker production and delivery, updates to in-cab IT systems and delivery of green bins.

What if I currently have an assisted collection?

If you currently have an assisted collection, this will continue and include your green bin.

What if I need a replacement green bin?

If you need a replacement bin because it's damaged, this will be provided but you may be charged.

Additional bins are supplied free of charge if needed for a new subscription.

What if I move house?

Your subscription is tied to the property - so the subscription, bin and sticker must stay at the subscribed address.

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