Our financial crisis fund may be able to help you in the event of a crisis, emergency or disaster. The fund is managed by Rutland Citizen’s Advice Bureau on our behalf.
To get financial crisis funding you must:
- live in Rutland
- be able to prove you’re experiencing a severe financial crisis that will affect the health and wellbeing of you and/or your family if you don’t get any help
Some examples of when financial crisis funding can be paid:
- if you’re escaping from domestic abuse and you can’t access any money to buy food and essential items
- a fire or flood has destroyed essential items in your home, and you have no money to replace the items
- you were homeless and can’t access any money to buy essential items for your new home
Some examples of when financial crisis funding won’t be paid:
- you have alternative funds available
- you’re living beyond your means
How to apply
Download and complete the application form – you’ll need to give as much detail about your situation as possible. You may be asked to provide evidence to support your application.
Contact Rutland Citizens Advice Bureau online or call their advice line on 01572 723 494 (Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm).
Emergency financial help - link document - financial crisis funding application form