Forces Connect
Forces Connect is a free signposting app, designed to help those who serve or have served in the armed forces access public services.
Open the 'Rutland' tab to see local and national support services covering five main areas:
- crisis support
- employment, education and training
- family support, care and benefits
- health and wellbeing
- housing and homelessness
The app is free to download:
Support for veterans on GOV.UK
View the dedicated support guidance for veterans on GOV.UK
This guidance can help veterans find the information they need categorised by life stages - housing, employment, mental and physical health support, illness or injury, bereavement, care needs and more.
A searchable directory is also available that lists both government and charity support available to veterans and their families, allowing veterans to find help locally and nationally. You can search by topic and location for easy access to appropriate support.
Support organisations
There are over 2000 military charities and regimental associations supporting the armed forces community, including:
- The Army Families Federation (AFF) – independent of the chain of command and offers confidential advice
- Naval Families Federation – independent of the chain of command and offers confidential advice
- RAF Families Federation – independent of the chain of command and offers confidential advice
- Government Armed Forces Support Services - national government services for those who have served in the armed forces including: employment, pensions and compensation, service records and medals, welfare and support
- Joining Forces Credit Union – savings accounts and loans available to the armed forces and their families
- Little Troopers – registered charity supporting all children with parents serving in the British armed forces, regular or reserve
- financial top-tips for service personnel - GOV.UK guidance
- The Royal British Legion – provides practical support to serving men and women, veterans (ex-service of all ages) and their families
- SSAFA (Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Families Association) – welfare advice and support, health and social care support and specialised support for bereaved families and those who are wounded, injured or sick
- serving personnel and their families may be entitled to Universal Credit when the serving member is temporarily posted overseas
- The Poppy Factory - employment support for wounded, injured and sick veterans
- The Big White Wall – a safe online community of people who are anxious, down or not coping who support and help each other by sharing what’s troubling them, guided by trained professionals
- Citizen’s Advice – provides free, independent, confidential and impartial advice to everyone on their rights and responsibilities and have specific advice pages for the armed forces community
- Galop – a national lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender support organisation for those experiencing hate crime, sexual violence or domestic abuse
- Gingerbread – provides expert advice, practical support and campaigns for single parents on anything from dealing with a break-up, to going back to work or sorting out maintenance, benefit or tax credit issues
- Relate – relationship support services
- The Samaritans – work to alleviate emotional distress and reduce the incidence of suicide feelings and suicidal behaviour
- BLESMA: The Limbless Veterans – helps serving and ex-service men and women who have suffered life-changing limb loss or the use of a limb, an eye or loss of sight during service
- Blind Veterans UK – helps blind ex-service men and women lead independent and fulfilling lives
- War Widows Association - support for UK war widows and widowers of armed forces personnel whose death was caused by or hastened by service