Grants for home adaptations and equipment

Grants available to help fund adaptations to your home , so you can live independently, return home from hospital or support your care needs

There's a range of different grant options that may be available to you.

Use of self-referral portal if you'd like an occupational therapy assessment to asses your needs and see if you (or a family member) are eligible for any of the grants.

If you are a professional, you can refer a person you're working with through our professional referrals portal.

If you have any questions, contact either:

You can also find information about home adaptations on our Rutland Information Service website.

Grant options for adaptations and equipment - accordion

Minor Aids and Adaptations Grant

This grant can be used to complete adaptations or buy equipment up to the value of £1,000.

Only equipment that's not available through our contracted equipment provider can be bought with this grant.

The home improvement agency we commission carry out minor adaptation works for us.

Our trusted assessor partners can also use this service.

Health and Prevention Grant

This grant supports health, wellbeing and prevention priorities. It can be used to complete adaptations or buy equipment up to the value of £6,000.

There's no financial assessment to receive this grant - it's based on a therapy or trusted assessor assessment and recommendation. The grant aims to provide adaptations that either:

  • promote independence
  • help you get discharged back home after a hospital stay
  • reduce your need for care
  • to make a carer's role more sustainable

All adaptations must be reasonable and practical.

Funds can only be used to buy equipment that's not available from our contracted equipment provider.

Disabled Facilities Grant

You could get a Disabled Facilities Grant from us if you're disabled and need to make changes to your home - for example to:

  • widen your doors and instal ramps
  • improve access to rooms and facilities - for example a stairlift or downstairs bathroom
  • provide a heating system suitable for your needs
  • adapt heating or lighting controls to make them easier to use

Disabled Facilities Grants are means tested.

You can apply for more than one grant.

To get a grant, you or someone living in your home must be disabled. Either you or the person you’re applying for must:

  • own the property or be a tenant
  • intend to live in the property during the grant period (currently 5 years)

You can also apply for a grant if you’re a landlord and have a disabled tenant.

We need to be happy that the work's:

  • necessary and appropriate to meet the disabled person’s needs
  • reasonable and can be done - depending on the age and condition of the property

Financial assessment

A financial assessment looks at whether you're eligible for full grant funding, or if you'll need to pay a contribution. Children do not have a financial assessment.

If your assessment finds you need to pay the full contribution you will still need to submit an application - this will be taken into account if you apply again in the future.

Any assessed contribution will be taken into account for 10 years.

If you receive certain benefits, you are 'passported' to a full grant - you will not have to pay a contribution. Passported benefits include:

Find out more

Find out more about Disabled Facilities Grants on the Foundations website

View Local Authority Disabled Facilities Grants Guidance on GOV.UK

Regulatory Reform Order (RRO)

The Regulatory Reform Order 2002 gives local authorities flexibility to address preventative housing issues not covered by Disabled Facilities Grants.

This could include funding for:

  • essential housing repairs to reduce the risk of injury and accidents
  • making sure your home is adequately heated

The Health and Prevention Grant is our of our RRO schemes.

To find out more, contact our therapy duty team:

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