Most people can leave hospital and return home with no additional support or services.
Others may need extra advice, support or services to help them.
If you go into hospital, hospital staff should arrange a discharge assessment with our social care team. This assessment allows us to find out what help you need before you leave.
Once a health professional's decided you're medically fit for discharge, you may need short or long-term support in place before you can be discharged from hospital.
If you agree to have support, you'll be referred to our hospital discharge team. The team is made up of:
- social workers
- care managers
- inreach nurses
We'll work with you, hospital staff, family members or friends to assess how you can manage every day tasks - for example:
- having a wash
- getting dressed
- preparing a meal
This will help us identify and agree your care and support needs and arrange any equipment you need to be delivered.
When it's agreed it's safe and appropriate to discharge you from hospital, we'll give you options for meeting any immediate needs, so you're ready to leave.
We feel that that any long-term needs should be assessed after you've had time to recover - whether this be in your own home or in a care home.
We'll only identify long-term needs when you're discharged in exceptional circumstances.